Table of content

Platform API Reference


The Dailymotion Platform API is served over HTTPS and accessible on the following endpoints depending on your API key type:

Public API key
Private API key

We recommend using UTF-8 encoding for all interactions with the API.

Getting started

To get more insights before diving into the API reference, please read the Getting started article to see how to authenticate and interact with the API objects, fields and filters.

Global API Parameters

The following query-string parameters are valid for all API objects and can be provided along with any type of request. Some of them are strongly recommended if you want to enhance your end-user experience.

ams_countryChange the country for the asset management.
By default, the country is auto-detected based on the IP address of the API consumer. Changing this value will filter out content geo-blocked for the defined country and will affect the geo-blocking mechanism.
contextAdditional call context for this request.
Some resources of the API require that you provide contextual information along with your request in order to return relevant data. This is especially useful when the API cannot retrieve or guess this additional information by itself. Contextual information should only be provided when expressly needed by the resource you are trying to query. Values should be passed as an embedded and URL encoded query string.

E.g.: ?field=data&context=key1%3Dvalue1%26key2%3Dvalue2
device_filterFilter out content and change media assets.
By default, the device is auto-detected based on the user-agent of the API consumer. Changing this value will filter out content not allowed on the defined device.

Possible values: detect web mobile and iptv
family_filterEnable/disable the “sensitive content” filter.
By default, the family filter is turned on. Setting this parameter to false will stop filtering-out explicit content from searches and global contexts. You should always check the result’s explicit field when applicable as some contexts may still return those contents. You should also flag them in your UI to warn the user about the nature of the content.

Possible: true or false
localizationChange the default localization of the user.
This will affect results language and content selection. Note that changing the localization won’t give access to geoblocked content of the corresponding location. The IP address of the API consumer is always used for this kind of restriction.

You can use a standard locale like fr_FRen_US (or simply enit) but you can also provide detect to tell the API to detect the most probable locale based on the consumer’s location
thumbnail_ratioChange the size ratio for all video thumbnails.

By default: original
Possible values: originalwidescreen and square

To use a global parameter, simply add it to any request’s query-string like so:



This endpoint enables to access information about the current authenticated user. This relates to the user authenticated using an access token (provided with the appropriate header or as a query-string parameter).

Retrieving current auth information

To retrieve information about the current authenticated user, perform a GET request on /auth. By default, only a small number of default fields are returned, please refer to the complete field list below.

Sample auth API call: /auth

Current auth information response

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve when performing a call on /auth.

Field nameDescriptionSample
idThe user identifier of the authenticated user."x1fz4ii"
scopeThe scope of permissions granted to the authenticated user.["manage_videos","userinfo"]
rolesThe list of roles associated to the API key of the authenticated user.[]
usernameThe username of the authenticated user."DailymotionAPI"
screennameThe authenticated user’s username or full name depending on his preferences."Dailymotion API"
languageThe authenticated user spoken language (declarative)."fr"



A channel object represents a category of videos on Dailymotion (formerly a channel), for example: shortfilms, videogames, news, etc. (See full list below)

Manipulating channels

To retrieve a specific channel object, perform a GET request on /channel/<CHANNEL_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To retrieve a list of channel objects, perform a GET request on /channels. You can then use filters (if any) to filter down the result set, see the filtering section for more information.

Sample channel API call: /channel/music
Test it further with the API Explorer.

Channel fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every channel object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


Date and time when this channel was created.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this channel was created.


Comprehensive localized description of this channel.

public readable default minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: Everything about video-games!

Comprehensive localized description of this channel.


Unique object identifier (unique among all channels)

public readable default

Sample value: xva368f

Unique object identifier (unique among all channels)


Graph type of this object (hopefully channel)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: channel

Graph type of this object (hopefully channel)


Localized short name of this channel.

public readable default minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: Video Games

Localized short name of this channel.


Slug name of this channel.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: video-games

Slug name of this channel.


Date and time when this channel was last updated.

public readable

Sample value: 1404129540

Date and time when this channel was last updated.

Channel filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of channel objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Change the default result set ordering.

STRING allowed values: popular or alpha

Sample value: popular

Change the default result set ordering.

Channel deprecated filters

These deprecated filters were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each filter. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


Language in which you want this channel name and description fields to be.

Sample value: it

Language in which you want this channel name and description fields to be.

Channel connections

Connections through the data API are used to link objects with each others. Some objects can only be accessed and/or created through connections since they have no point in existing on their own. Here is the list of connections available through the channel object.


List of the top users of this channel.
This connection joins an object of type channel with a list of user objects.

public readable

List of the top users of this channel.
This connection joins an object of type channel with a list of user objects.

Read the channel's users connection

You can retrieve the list of users connected to a channel object by issuing a GET request to /channel/<CHANNEL_ID>/users. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of videos of this channel.
This connection joins an object of type channel with a list of video objects.

public readable

List of videos of this channel.
This connection joins an object of type channel with a list of video objects.

Read the channel's videos connection

You can retrieve the list of videos connected to a channel object by issuing a GET request to /channel/<CHANNEL_ID>/videos. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

List of categories

The full list of available categories (channel object) is as follow:

funComedy & Entertainment
lifestyleLifestyle & How-To

Choosing a category is mandatory when uploading a video on Dailymotion


This endpoint returns the same exact message which was given as a parameter. It can be used to test the availability and reactivity of the API.

Using echo

To send an /echo request, perform a GET request on /echo. The table below lists all the parameters that can be provided when performing this request:

stringmessageYesThe message to be returned by the echo.

Sample echo API call: /echo?message=this+is+a+test

Echo response

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve when performing a call on /echo.

Field nameDescriptionSample
messageThe message which was given as a parameter."echo... echo... echo..."


This endpoint allows anyone to retrieve a video upload URL, when you need to upload a video on Dailymotion’s servers and don’t want to upload it on your own server.

File upload

To retrieve an upload URL, perform a GET request on /file/upload.

Sample file upload API call:

File upload response

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve when performing a call on /file/upload.

Field nameDescriptionSample
upload_urlThe URL you will be able to upload your video to.<UUID>&seal=<SEAL>
progress_urlAn URL to poll the progress of the current upload. A GET request to this URL returns a JSON object with a state key having one of the following values: startinguploadingdoneerror. During the uploading state, the JSON object also contains size and received keys reporting the upload progress.<UUID>


  • The upload process requires a minimum version of TLS 1.2 protocol


The languages endpoint is used to retrieve the list of ISO-639-3 2 or 3 letter codes associated with the language name, native name, localized name, and name as it could be displayed on Dailymotion.

Retrieving languages

To retrieve the list of ISO-639-3 languages, perform a GET request on /languages.

The list of fields returned is fixed and defined as followed. This call do not support the fields parameter.

Sample locale API call: /languages

Languages response

Here is the list of fields you will retrieve when performing a call on /languages.

Field nameDescriptionSample
codeThe language alpha-2 or alpha-3 code as specified by the ISO-639-3 standard."ja"
nameThe name of the language."Japanese"
native_nameThe native name of the language, or null if unknown."日本語"
localized_nameThe name of the language in the locale of the request, or null if unknown."Japonais"
display_nameThe name of the language as it could be displayed. This corresponds to the localized name if we know it, otherwise it’s simply the name."Japonais"


locale is a set of parameters that defines a user’s language, country, currency, etc.

Detecting and retrieving locales

To detect the locale of the current requestor, perform a GET request on /locale.

To retrieve the list of locales supported by Dailymotion, perform a GET request on /locales.

In both cases, the list of fields returned is fixed and defined as follow since these calls do not support the fields parameter. You can also return informations on a specific locale by changing your request locale using the localization global parameter.

Sample locale API call: /locale

Locale detection response

Here is the list of fields you will retrieve when performing a call on /locale or /locales.

Field nameDescriptionSample
localeThe locale code."ja_JP"
site_codeThe site version code associated to the locale. This code is to be used in the API wherever a “localization” parameter is requested"jp"
languageThe name of the language in English."Japanese"
localized_languageThe name of the language in the current API request locale."Japonais"
locally_localized_languageThe name of the language in the locale’s language."日本語"
countryThe name of the country in English"Japan"
localized_countryThe name of the country in the current API request locale."Japon"
locally_localized_countryThe name of the country in the locale’s language."日本"
currencyThe currency accepted by Dailymotion for this locale."JPY"


This endpoint removes the right for the current API key to access the current user account (the user authenticated by the current access token). Once this method is called, all further requests with the same access token will fail and any previously obtained refresh token for this session will be invalidated.

Logging out

To logout a user, perform a GET request on /logout. This call returns an empty JSON object in case of success: {}

Sample logout API call: /logout



A player object holds several configuration properties (Picture In Picture settings, aspect ratio…) and is meant to be embedded on a webpage with a script tag.

Manipulating players

To retrieve a specific player object, perform a GET request on /player/<PLAYER_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To create an object of type player, perform a POST request on the connection available through the user graph object. Join all the fields you want to specify and their value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload. Please note that, for creation, some fields and/or specific query-string parameters could be mandatory, please refer to the field list below.

To edit an object of type player, perform a POST request on /player/<PLAYER_ID>. Join all the fields you want to update and their new value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload.

To delete an object of type player, perform a DELETE request on /player/<PLAYER_ID>. If you do not receive any error (empty result set), it means that the deletion was successful.

Sample player API call: /player/xid1
Test it further with the API Explorer.

Player fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every player object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


To specify the aspect ratio of the player

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: inherit, 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4 or 9:16

Sample value: 16:9

To specify the aspect ratio of the player


After how many seconds the video is skipped (min: 10)

public readable writable minlength: 0

Sample value: 10

After how many seconds the video is skipped (min: 10)


To control how the player handles autoplay

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: on, off or firstTimeViewable

Sample value: off

To control how the player handles autoplay


Change the default highlight color used in the controls

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: 00aaff

Change the default highlight color used in the controls


Define the freshness of the content (in days) that can be selected by the contextual embed feature

public readable writable minlength: 0

Sample value: 1800

Define the freshness of the content (in days) that can be selected by the contextual embed feature


Define if your contextual content should be taken from your organization, your channel or Dailymotion’s global catalog

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: channel, organization or dailymotion

Sample value: channel

Define if your contextual content should be taken from your organization, your channel or Dailymotion’s global catalog


Date and time when this player was created

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this player was created


URL of the player HTML embed

public readable default

Sample value:

URL of the player HTML embed


URL of the player to be used in a script HTML tag

public readable default

Sample value:

URL of the player to be used in a script HTML tag


Whether to enable ads and associated tracking

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable ads and associated tracking


Whether to display the player controls during an ad

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display the player controls during an ad


Whether to enable automatic recommendations

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable automatic recommendations


Whether to automatically play the next video item

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to automatically play the next video item


Whether to activate the "Auto skip" feature

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the "Auto skip" feature

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the link on the channel owner text


Whether to enable the click to unmute feature

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable the click to unmute feature


Whether to load relevant content based on contextual information from the embedder page

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to load relevant content based on contextual information from the embedder page


Whether to allow the contextual embed feature to play less relevant videos from your channel or other sources, to avoid displaying an empty player when content with high relevancy is not available

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to allow the contextual embed feature to play less relevant videos from your channel or other sources, to avoid displaying an empty player when content with high relevancy is not available


Whether to activate the "Contextual content freshness" feature

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the "Contextual content freshness" feature


Whether to enable custom recommendations

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable custom recommendations


Whether to display the Dailymotion logo

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display the Dailymotion logo


Whether to enable Eco Mode to apply a quality limit

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable Eco Mode to apply a quality limit


Whether to activate the UI to be Google policy compliant (e.g.: PIP close button outside Player UI)

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the UI to be Google policy compliant (e.g.: PIP close button outside Player UI)


Whether to display the video title and owner information

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display the video title and owner information


Whether to enable the keyboard shortcuts

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable the keyboard shortcuts


Whether to display streaming status before and after live streaming

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display streaming status before and after live streaming


Whether to enable the paid partnership label (if the playing video is flagged as such)

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable the paid partnership label (if the playing video is flagged as such)


Whether to display the player controls during a video

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display the player controls during a video


Allow player to receive full page URL where player is embedded

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Allow player to receive full page URL where player is embedded


Whether to enable the sharing button

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable the sharing button


Whether to share the location where the video is embedded (video URL by default)

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to share the location where the video is embedded (video URL by default)


Whether to start PiP in expanded mode on mobile

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to start PiP in expanded mode on mobile

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to show the "Watch on Dailymotion" link on the startscreen


Whether to activate the subtitles in the player

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the subtitles in the player


Whether to enable the tap to unmute feature

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable the tap to unmute feature


Whether to show the videos titles in the carousel on the endscreen

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to show the videos titles in the carousel on the endscreen

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to activate the link on the video title text


Whether to configure the player to wait for the custom config object before starting playback

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to configure the player to wait for the custom config object before starting playback


Whether the organization that owns the player has reached some limits (bandwidth, plays)

public readable

Sample value: true

Whether the organization that owns the player has reached some limits (bandwidth, plays)


Whether the organization that owns the player includes only videos from this organization in recommendations

public readable

Sample value: true

Whether the organization that owns the player includes only videos from this organization in recommendations


Whether the organization that owns the player has SSAI enabled

public readable

Sample value: true

Whether the organization that owns the player has SSAI enabled


Unique object identifier (unique among all players)

public readable default

Sample value: x8yz2w0

Unique object identifier (unique among all players)


Graph type of this object (hopefully player)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: player

Graph type of this object (hopefully player)


Mandatory player label

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 255

Sample value: string example

Mandatory player label


URL of the player embed library to be used in a script HTML tag

public readable default

Sample value:

URL of the player embed library to be used in a script HTML tag


Owner of this player. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable

Sample value: xypgkkz

Owner of this player. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


Picture-in-Picture mode

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: instant, on or off

Sample value: on

Picture-in-Picture mode


Optimise recommendations based on selected model: monetization, engagement, views

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: views, engagement or monetization

Sample value: monetization

Optimise recommendations based on selected model: monetization, engagement, views


Date and time when this player was updated

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this player was updated


How long to wait before the ad request is made (min: 1s – max: 10s), when enable_wait_for_custom_config is enabled

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 10

Sample value: 5

How long to wait before the ad request is made (min: 1s – max: 10s), when enable_wait_for_custom_config is enabled


Image type of the watermark

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: none, from_channel or custom

Sample value: from_channel

Image type of the watermark

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: none, from_channel or custom

Sample value: from_channel

Type of watermark link

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of the watermark link

Player deprecated fields

These deprecated fields were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each field. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


Whether to display the player controls

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to display the player controls


Whether to enable automatic recommendations

public readable writable

Sample value: true

Whether to enable automatic recommendations

Player filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of player objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Limit the result set to this full text search.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: myplayer

Limit the result set to this full text search.



A playlist object represents an ordered list of videos created by a user. Videos in a playlist do not necessarily have anything in common.

Manipulating playlists

To retrieve a specific playlist object, perform a GET request on /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To retrieve a list of playlist objects, perform a GET request on /playlists. You can then use filters (if any) to filter down the result set, see the filtering section for more information.

To create an object of type playlist, perform a POST request on Join all the fields you want to specify and their value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload. Please note that, for creation, some fields and/or specific query-string parameters could be mandatory, please refer to the field list below.

To edit an object of type playlist, perform a POST request on /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>. Join all the fields you want to update and their new value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload.

To delete an object of type playlist, perform a DELETE request on /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>. If you do not receive any error (empty result set), it means that the deletion was successful.

Sample playlist API call: /playlist/x3ecgj
Test it further with the API Explorer.

Playlist fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every playlist object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


Date and time when this playlist was created.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this playlist was created.


Comprehensive description of this playlist.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 2000

Sample value: Check out the top 10 best goals of this year's championship!

Comprehensive description of this playlist.


Unique object identifier (unique among all playlists)

public readable default

Sample value: xnmehg7

Unique object identifier (unique among all playlists)


Graph type of this object (hopefully playlist)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: playlist

Graph type of this object (hopefully playlist)


Short descriptive name of this playlist.

public readable writable default minlength: 1 maxlength: 50

Sample value: Best goals of the championship

Short descriptive name of this playlist.


Author of this playlist. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable default

Sample value: xhc85ya

Author of this playlist. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


True if this playlist is private.

public readable writable

Sample value: true

True if this playlist is private.


URL of this playlist’s first video thumbnail image (60px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video thumbnail image (60px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (120px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (120px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (180px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (180px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (240px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (240px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (360px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (360px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (480px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (480px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (720px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (720px height).


URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (1080px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this playlist’s first video’s thumbnail image (1080px height).


URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (raw, respecting full size ratio).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (raw, respecting full size ratio).


Date and time when this playlist was last updated.

public readable

Sample value: 1404129540

Date and time when this playlist was last updated.


Total amount of videos in this playlist.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 14

Total amount of videos in this playlist.

Playlist deprecated fields

These deprecated fields were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each field. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


Localized date and time when this playlist was last updated (formatted).

public readable

Sample value: 42 minutes ago

Localized date and time when this playlist was last updated (formatted).


URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (320px by 240px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (320px by 240px).


URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (160px by 120px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (160px by 120px).


URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (80px by 60px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the thumbnail of this playlist’s first video (80px by 60px).

Playlist filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of playlist objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Limit the result set to this list of playlist identifiers (works only with xids).

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: xk2k3, x26m1j4, xkeg4

Limit the result set to this list of playlist identifiers (works only with xids).


Limit the result set to playlists of this user.

Sample value: xhc85ya

Limit the result set to playlists of this user.


Limit the result set to private playlists

Sample value: true

Limit the result set to private playlists


Limit the result set to this full text search.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: football

Limit the result set to this full text search.


Change the default result set ordering.

STRING allowed values: recent, relevance, alpha, most, least, alphaaz, alphaza or changed

Sample value: relevance

Change the default result set ordering.


Limit the result set to verified partner playlists.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to verified partner playlists.

Playlist connections

Connections through the data API are used to link objects with each others. Some objects can only be accessed and/or created through connections since they have no point in existing on their own. Here is the list of connections available through the playlist object.


List of videos contained in this playlist (in the order defined by its owner).
This connection joins an object of type playlist with a list of video objects.

public readable writable

List of videos contained in this playlist (in the order defined by its owner).
This connection joins an object of type playlist with a list of video objects.

Read the playlist's videos connection

You can retrieve the list of videos connected to a playlist object by issuing a GET request to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any video is connected to an existing playlist object by issuing a GET request to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos/<VIDEO_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected video object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a playlist's videos connection

You can connect videos to an existing playlist object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos/<VIDEO_ID>.

You can connect multiple videos to an existing playlist object at once by issuing one POST request to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos?ids=<VIDEO_ID>,...,<VIDEO_ID>. Note that the order of the identifiers is saved.

Delete a playlist's videos connection

You can disconnect videos from a playlist object by issuing DELETE requests to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos/<VIDEO_ID>. You can also disconnect all videos at once by issuing a POST request to /playlist/<PLAYLIST_ID>/videos with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.



A subtitle object represents a file resource containing closed captioning for a given video.

Manipulating subtitles

To retrieve a specific subtitle object, perform a GET request on /subtitle/<SUBTITLE_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To create an object of type subtitle, perform a POST request on the connection available through the video graph object. Join all the fields you want to specify and their value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload. Please note that, for creation, some fields and/or specific query-string parameters could be mandatory, please refer to the field list below.

Type Parameter Required Description
STRING format No

Data format SRT only is supported, if you have an other format please convert it to SRT.

STRING language No

Language of these subtitles.

URL url No

On GET, the URL pointing to the latest version of the subtitles. On POST, URL pointing to the subtitle data in on of the valid formats. You don’t need to host the file, you can use the GET /file/upload API ressource to create a temporary URL to a file of your own, just like when you upload a video source file. If you host your own file, the file will be fetched and the subtitles URL will point to a local copy.

To delete an object of type subtitle, perform a DELETE request on /subtitle/<SUBTITLE_ID>. If you do not receive any error (empty result set), it means that the deletion was successful.

Sample subtitle API call: /video/x26m1j4/subtitles
Test it further with the API Explorer.

Subtitle fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every subtitle object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


Data format SRT only is supported, if you have an other format please convert it to SRT.

private create-only allowed values: SRT

Sample value: SRT

Data format SRT only is supported, if you have an other format please convert it to SRT.


Unique object identifier (unique among all subtitles)

public readable default

Sample value: xcv60lg

Unique object identifier (unique among all subtitles)


Graph type of this object (hopefully subtitle)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: subtitle

Graph type of this object (hopefully subtitle)


Language of these subtitles.

public readable for creation default minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: en

Language of these subtitles.


Subtitles’s language in its own language.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: Français

Subtitles’s language in its own language.


On GET, the URL pointing to the latest version of the subtitles. On POST, URL pointing to the subtitle data in on of the valid formats. You don’t need to host the file, you can use the GET /file/upload API ressource to create a temporary URL to a file of your own, just like when you upload a video source file. If you host your own file, the file will be fetched and the subtitles URL will point to a local copy.

public readable for creation

Sample value:

On GET, the URL pointing to the latest version of the subtitles. On POST, URL pointing to the subtitle data in on of the valid formats. You don’t need to host the file, you can use the GET /file/upload API ressource to create a temporary URL to a file of your own, just like when you upload a video source file. If you host your own file, the file will be fetched and the subtitles URL will point to a local copy.

Subtitle filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of subtitle objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Limit the result set to subtitles of this language.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: en

Limit the result set to subtitles of this language.



A user object represents a Dailymotion user account. Users are at the foundation of every other graph objects, since most of them are created through —or owned by— users. Users also represent the main authentication vector to Dailymotion services.

Manipulating users

To retrieve a specific user object, perform a GET request on /user/<USER_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To retrieve a list of user objects, perform a GET request on /users. You can also use one of the several connections available through the channel and user graph objects. You can then use filters (if any) to filter down the result set, see the filtering section for more information.

To edit an object of type user, perform a POST request on /user/<USER_ID>. Join all the fields you want to update and their new value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload.

To delete an object of type user, perform a DELETE request on /user/<USER_ID>. If you do not receive any error (empty result set), it means that the deletion was successful.

Sample user API call: /user/x1fz4ii
Test it further with the API Explorer.

User fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every user object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


Force user account active.

public readable allowed values: y or n

Sample value: y

Force user account active.


Postal address of this user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: 715 5th Avenue

Postal address of this user.


advanced-statistics criteria of this user.

private readable read roles: user-manager writable write roles: user-manager

Sample value: true

advanced-statistics criteria of this user.


URL of this user’s avatar image (25px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (25px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (60px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (60px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (80px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (80px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (120px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (120px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (190px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (190px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (240px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (240px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (360px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (360px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (480px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (480px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (720px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (720px wide square).


URL of an image to change this user’s avatar.

private write-only

Sample value:

URL of an image to change this user’s avatar.


True if this user has the criteria ban-from-partner-program.

private readable read roles: user-manager writable write roles: user-manager

Sample value: true

True if this user has the criteria ban-from-partner-program.


Birthday date of this user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo writable write scopes: userinfo

Sample value: 532652400

Birthday date of this user.


Total number of user children.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 10

Total number of user children.


City of residence of this user.

public readable writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: New York City

City of residence of this user.


Country of residence of this user. Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

public readable writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: US

Country of residence of this user. Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.


URL of this user’s cover image (height = 100px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s cover image (height = 100px).


URL of this user’s cover image (height = 150px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s cover image (height = 150px).


URL of this user’s cover image (height = 200px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s cover image (height = 200px).


URL of this user’s cover image (height = 250px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s cover image (height = 250px).


URL of this user’s cover image (original size).

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s cover image (original size).


Date and time when this user joined the site.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this user joined the site.


Comprehensive description of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 2000

Sample value: Hi, I'm <i>John</i> and I'm here to break <b>everything</b>!

Comprehensive description of this user.


Email address of this user.

private readable read scopes: email writable write scopes: email

Sample value:

Email address of this user.


Facebook profile URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 400

Sample value:

Facebook profile URL of this user.


First name of this user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: John

First name of this user.


Total amount of followers of this user.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 42

Total amount of followers of this user.


Total amount of users this user is following.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 42

Total amount of users this user is following.


Full name of this user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 50

Sample value: John Doe

Full name of this user.


Gender of this user.

public readable writable allowed values: male, female, other or prefer-not-to-answer

Sample value: male

Gender of this user.


Googleplus profile URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

Googleplus profile URL of this user.


Unique object identifier (unique among all users)

public readable default

Sample value: xgtygn

Unique object identifier (unique among all users)


Instagram profile URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

Instagram profile URL of this user.


True if the authenticated user is following this user. If no user is authenticated, it will always return false

public readable

Sample value: true

True if the authenticated user is following this user. If no user is authenticated, it will always return false


Graph type of this object (hopefully user)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: user

Graph type of this object (hopefully user)


Language used by this user. Allowed values are ISO-639-3 alpha-2 and alpha-3 language codes.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: en

Language used by this user. Allowed values are ISO-639-3 alpha-2 and alpha-3 language codes.


Last name of this user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: Doe

Last name of this user.


Returns the various user limits like the maximum allowed duration and size per uploaded video etc. This property can only be obtained for the currently logged in user.

private readable read scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: {"video_duration":3600,"video_size":2147483648}

Returns the various user limits like the maximum allowed duration and size per uploaded video etc. This property can only be obtained for the currently logged in user.


LinkedIn profile URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

LinkedIn profile URL of this user.


Identifier of this user’s parent (use parent.screenname to access its user name). You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable

Sample value: xo9tuj2

Identifier of this user’s parent (use parent.screenname to access its user name). You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


When the partner field is set, the user auto-accepts the T&Cs ( and becomes a partner. Returns True if this user is a partner.

public readable writable

Sample value: true

When the partner field is set, the user auto-accepts the T&Cs ( and becomes a partner. Returns True if this user is a partner.


Pinterest profile URL of this user.

public readable writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

Pinterest profile URL of this user.


Total amount of playlists of this user.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 5

Total amount of playlists of this user.


The number of videos reposted by the user.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 5

The number of videos reposted by the user.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim the last day.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 12

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim the last day.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim the last month.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 310.2

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim the last month.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim in the last 7 sliding days.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 80.7

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim in the last 7 sliding days.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim since the beginning.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 2502.37

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through claim since the beginning.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content the last day.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 12

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content the last day.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content the last month.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 310.2

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content the last month.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content in the last 7 sliding days.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 80.7

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content in the last 7 sliding days.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content since the beginning.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 2502.37

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the paid content since the beginning.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization the last day.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 12

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization the last day.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization the last month.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 310.2

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization the last month.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization in the last 7 sliding days.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 80.7

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization in the last 7 sliding days.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization since the beginning.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 2502.37

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the video monetization since the beginning.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization the last day.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 12

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization the last day.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization the last month.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 310.2

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization the last month.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization in the last 7 sliding days.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 80.7

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization in the last 7 sliding days.


Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization since the beginning.

private readable read scopes: read_insights minlength: 0

Sample value: 2502.37

Total amount of net revenues in USD generated through the website monetization since the beginning.


Returns this user’s full name or login depending on the user’s preferences.

public readable writable write scopes: userinfo default minlength: 1 maxlength: 50

Sample value: johndoe424

Returns this user’s full name or login depending on the user’s preferences.


Current user account status.

public readable allowed values: pending-activation, disabled, active or unknown

Sample value: active

Current user account status.


Twitter profile URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

Twitter profile URL of this user.


URL of this user’s profile on Dailymotion.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s profile on Dailymotion.


User account credentials login.

public readable writable write scopes: userinfo minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: johndoe424

User account credentials login.


True if this user needs to update his username, False otherwise.

public readable

Sample value: true

True if this user needs to update his username, False otherwise.


True if this user is a verified partner.

public readable writable

Sample value: true

True if this user is a verified partner.


Total amount of public videos of this user.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 27

Total amount of public videos of this user.


Total aggregated number of views on all of this user’s videos.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 1239873

Total aggregated number of views on all of this user’s videos.


Personal website URL of this user.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value:

Personal website URL of this user.

User deprecated fields

These deprecated fields were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each field. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


Analytics service of this user.

private readable

Sample value: { "xiti": { "website_id": 1567829778, "subdomain": "", "second_level_id": 68965678, "internal_domain": "" }, "google": "UA-12345-1", "estat":"123456789" }

Analytics service of this user.


URL of this user’s avatar image (160px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (160px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (80px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (80px wide square).


URL of this user’s avatar image (40px wide square).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s avatar image (40px wide square).


URL of this user’s background image (Max 1680px by 2000px).

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s background image (Max 1680px by 2000px).


URL of this user’s banner image (Max 970px by 120px).

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of this user’s banner image (Max 970px by 120px).


Total amount of fans of this user.

public readable

Sample value: 42

Total amount of fans of this user.


True if this user has authorized live notifications, false otherwise.

public readable writable

Sample value: true

True if this user has authorized live notifications, false otherwise.


Type of user account.

public readable writable

Sample value: ugc

Type of user account.


Showcased video of this user. You can retrieve sub-fields of this video object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable writable

Sample value: xo9tuj2

Showcased video of this user. You can retrieve sub-fields of this video object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

User filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of user objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Country of residence of this user. Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: US

Country of residence of this user. Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.


List of user ids to exclude from the result set.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: xk2k3, x26m1j4, xkeg4

List of user ids to exclude from the result set.


List of simple boolean flags available to reduce the result set.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: mostpopular, recommended, partner or verified

Sample value: mostpopular, partner

List of simple boolean flags available to reduce the result set.


Limit the result set to this list of user channels identifiers.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: xk2k3, x1fz4ii, xw83x45

Limit the result set to this list of user channels identifiers.


Limit the result set to users using this language.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: en

Limit the result set to users using this language.


Limit the result set to the most popular users.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to the most popular users.


Limit the result set to children of this user.

Sample value: xo9tuj2

Limit the result set to children of this user.


Limit the result set to partner users.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to partner users.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to recommended users.


Limit the result set to this channel’s top users.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: news

Limit the result set to this channel’s top users.


Change the default result set ordering. Notes:

  • Deprecated sorts (recent, daily, weekly, monthly, rated, random, alpha, alphaZA, alphaZAFullname)
STRING allowed values: relevance, popular, activity or recent

Sample value: popular

Change the default result set ordering. Notes:

  • Deprecated sorts (recent, daily, weekly, monthly, rated, random, alpha, alphaZA, alphaZAFullname)

Limit the results set to users with a list of usernames

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: rs, spi0n

Limit the results set to users with a list of usernames


Limit the result set to verified partner users.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to verified partner users.

User deprecated filters

These deprecated filters were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each filter. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


List of simple boolean filters available to reduce the result set.

Sample value: mostpopular

List of simple boolean filters available to reduce the result set.


Limit the result set to this user list.

Sample value: recommended

Limit the result set to this user list.


Limit the result set to this full text search.

Sample value: john

Limit the result set to this full text search.

User connections

Connections through the data API are used to link objects with each others. Some objects can only be accessed and/or created through connections since they have no point in existing on their own. Here is the list of connections available through the user object.


List of this user’s children.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

public readable writable

List of this user’s children.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

Read the user's children connection

You can retrieve the list of children connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/children. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any user is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/children/<USER_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected user object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's children connection

You can connect children to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/children/<USER_ID>.

Delete a user's children connection

You can disconnect children from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/children/<USER_ID>. You can also disconnect all children at once by issuing a POST request to /me/children with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of videos featured by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_features

List of videos featured by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's features connection

You can retrieve the list of features connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/features. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any video is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/features/<VIDEO_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected video object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's features connection

You can connect features to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/features/<VIDEO_ID>.

Delete a user's features connection

You can disconnect features from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/features/<VIDEO_ID>. You can also disconnect all features at once by issuing a POST request to /me/features with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of this user’s followers.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

public readable

List of this user’s followers.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

Read the user's followers connection

You can retrieve the list of followers connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/followers. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of users followed by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_subscriptions

List of users followed by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

Read the user's following connection

You can retrieve the list of following connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/following. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any user is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/following/<USER_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected user object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's following connection

You can connect following to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/following/<USER_ID>.

Delete a user's following connection

You can disconnect following from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/following/<USER_ID>. You can also disconnect all following at once by issuing a POST request to /me/following with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of videos liked by the user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_likes

List of videos liked by the user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's likes connection

You can retrieve the list of likes connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/likes. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any video is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/likes/<VIDEO_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected video object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's likes connection

You can connect likes to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/likes/<VIDEO_ID>.

Delete a user's likes connection

You can disconnect likes from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/likes/<VIDEO_ID>. You can also disconnect all likes at once by issuing a POST request to /me/likes with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of this user’s parents.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

public readable writable

List of this user’s parents.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

Read the user's parents connection

You can retrieve the list of parents connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/parents. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any user is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/parents/<USER_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected user object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's parents connection

You can connect parents to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/parents/<USER_ID>.

Delete a user's parents connection

You can disconnect parents from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/parents/<USER_ID>. You can also disconnect all parents at once by issuing a POST request to /me/parents with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of players created by this user
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of player objects.

private readable read scopes: manage_players writable write scopes: manage_players

List of players created by this user
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of player objects.

Read the user's players connection

You can retrieve the list of players connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/players. You can specify the list of fields from the player objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Create a user's players connection

You can create a new player object and automatically connect it to an existing user object by issuing a POST request to /me/players.

In return, you will receive a dict value containing the newly created object, including its identifier.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Delete a user's players connection

You can delete a player object connected to a user object the same way you would if it wasn't attached, that is by issuing a DELETE request to /player/<PLAYER_ID>.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of user accounts related to this user through their parents.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

public readable

List of user accounts related to this user through their parents.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

Read the user's relations connection

You can retrieve the list of relations connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/relations. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of videos from the channels the user follow.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable

List of videos from the channels the user follow.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's subscriptions connection

You can retrieve the list of subscriptions connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/subscriptions. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of videos uploaded by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos

List of videos uploaded by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's videos connection

You can retrieve the list of videos connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/videos. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Create a user's videos connection

You can create a new video object and automatically connect it to an existing user object by issuing a POST request to /me/videos with the following parameters.

Type Parameter Required Description
STRING content_provider No

Content provider name.

In return, you will receive a dict value containing the newly created object, including its identifier.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Delete a user's videos connection

You can delete a video object connected to a user object the same way you would if it wasn't attached, that is by issuing a DELETE request to /video/<VIDEO_ID>.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of watch later videos.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos

List of watch later videos.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's watchlater connection

You can retrieve the list of watchlater connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/watchlater. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any video is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/watchlater/<VIDEO_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected video object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's watchlater connection

You can connect watchlater to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/watchlater/<VIDEO_ID>.

Delete a user's watchlater connection

You can disconnect watchlater from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/watchlater/<VIDEO_ID>. You can also disconnect all watchlater at once by issuing a POST request to /me/watchlater with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

User deprecated connections

These deprecated connections were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each filter. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


List of videos favorited by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

public readable writable

List of videos favorited by this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of video objects.

Read the user's favorites connection

You can retrieve the list of favorites connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/favorites. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

You can also see if any video is connected to an existing user object by issuing a GET request to /me/favorites/<VIDEO_ID>. This will return a list containing only the connected video object or an empty list if it is not connected.

Create a user's favorites connection

You can connect favorites to an existing user object one by one by issuing multiple POST requests to /me/favorites/<VIDEO_ID>.

Delete a user's favorites connection

You can disconnect favorites from a user object by issuing DELETE requests to /me/favorites/<VIDEO_ID>. You can also disconnect all favorites at once by issuing a POST request to /me/favorites with an empty ids query-string parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

public readable

List of users recommended to this user.
This connection joins an object of type user with a list of user objects.

You can retrieve the list of recommended connected to a user object by issuing a GET request to /me/recommended. You can specify the list of fields from the user objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.



The video object is the foundation of Dailymotion’ service. Videos are metadata containers wrapped around media streams and can be accessed either directly or through several connections through the Data API.

Manipulating videos

To retrieve a specific video object, perform a GET request on /video/<VIDEO_ID>. By default, only a small number of fields marked as default are returned (such as the object identifier), please refer to the complete field list below. For help on requesting specific fields, see the fields selection section.

To retrieve a list of video objects, perform a GET request on /videos. You can also use one of the several connections available through the channel, playlist, user and video graph objects. You can then use filters (if any) to filter down the result set, see the filtering section for more information.

To create an object of type video, perform a POST request on the connection available through the user graph object. Join all the fields you want to specify and their value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload. Please note that, for creation, some fields and/or specific query-string parameters could be mandatory, please refer to the field list below.

Type Parameter Required Description
STRING content_provider No

Content provider name.

To edit an object of type video, perform a POST request on /video/<VIDEO_ID>. Join all the fields you want to update and their new value as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload.

To delete an object of type video, perform a DELETE request on /video/<VIDEO_ID>. If you do not receive any error (empty result set), it means that the deletion was successful.

Sample video API call: /video/x26m1j4
Test it further with the API Explorer.

Video fields

Here is the list of fields you can retrieve on every video object. You can retrieve these using the fields query-string parameter on any graph object request. See the fields selection section for more information.


Returns the custom target value for

given video. This value is sent to Liverail as an LR_DM_ADPARAM param. This can be used for targeting in liverail.

private readable read roles: can-manage-ads writable write roles: can-manage-ads minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: string example

Returns the custom target value for

given video. This value is sent to Liverail as an LR_DM_ADPARAM param. This can be used for targeting in liverail.


True if the owner blocked instream ads on this video.

public readable writable write roles: user:partner write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: false

True if the owner blocked instream ads on this video.


True if this video can be embedded outside of Dailymotion.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: false

True if this video can be embedded outside of Dailymotion.


True if this video can be added to playlists.

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video can be added to playlists.


Aspect ratio of this video (i.e.: 1.33333 for 4/3, 1.77777 for 16/9…).

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 1.7777777

Aspect ratio of this video (i.e.: 1.33333 for 4/3, 1.77777 for 16/9…).


Current live stream audience. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into consideration.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 450

Current live stream audience. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into consideration.


Total live stream audience since stream creation. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into account.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 2457

Total live stream audience since stream creation. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into account.


Audience meter URL to be used for this video. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into account.

private readable read roles: content-partner or can-read-live-audience-url

Sample value:

Audience meter URL to be used for this video. null if the audience shouldn’t be taken into account.


List of available stream formats for this video.

public readable allowed values: l1, l2, ld, sd, hq, hd720, hd1080, uhd1440 or uhd2160

Sample value: ld, sd, hq, hd720, hd1080

List of available stream formats for this video.


Channel of this video. You can retrieve sub-fields of this channel object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable writable default

Sample value: news

Channel of this video. You can retrieve sub-fields of this channel object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


Video file hash.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: "64f771f2fccff6cef46f2f34112a67ff8e940103"

Video file hash.


List of countries where this video is blocked by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will block this video in France and US.

private readable read roles: can-read-claim-rules read scopes: manage_claim_rules minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: FR, US

List of countries where this video is blocked by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will block this video in France and US.


List of countries where this video is monetized by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will monetize this video in France and US.

private readable read roles: can-read-claim-rules read scopes: manage_claim_rules minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: FR, US

List of countries where this video is monetized by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will monetize this video in France and US.


List of countries where this video is tracked by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will track this video in France and US but it won’t be blocked nor monetized by the claimer.

private readable read roles: can-read-claim-rules read scopes: manage_claim_rules minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: FR, US

List of countries where this video is tracked by the claimer. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) e.g.: ["FR", "US"] will track this video in France and US but it won’t be blocked nor monetized by the claimer.


Content provider name.

private create-only create roles: content-partner or can-manage-video-provider minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: cbs

Content provider name.


Content provider identifier.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-manage-video-provider or can-read-video-provider writable write roles: content-partner or can-manage-video-provider minlength: 1 maxlength: 255

Sample value: UAMM20701001

Content provider identifier.


Country of this video (declarative, may be null). Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: US

Country of this video (declarative, may be null). Allowed values are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.


Date and time when this video was uploaded.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this video was uploaded.


List of customizable values (maximum of 3 values)

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos minlength: 1 maxlength: 100

Sample value: ref1, ref2, ref3

List of customizable values (maximum of 3 values)


Comprehensive description of this video. Maximumm length is set to 3000 (5000 for partners).

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 10000

Sample value: This is a sample description for my video.

Comprehensive description of this video. Maximumm length is set to 3000 (5000 for partners).


Duration of this video in seconds.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 423

Duration of this video in seconds.


HTML embedding code. Deprecation notice:
Former endpoint has been deprecated.
Learn more about the migration towards new endpoint.
Use the context parameter to specify a Player ID, to use custom Player configuration and ensure optimized monetization.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: <iframe frameborder="0" src="" width="480" height="270"

HTML embedding code. Deprecation notice:
Former endpoint has been deprecated.
Learn more about the migration towards new endpoint.
Use the context parameter to specify a Player ID, to use custom Player configuration and ensure optimized monetization.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Use a Player ID
Example: context=player%3D{PlayerID}

No Yes No

URL to embed this video. Deprecation notice:
Former endpoint has been deprecated.
Learn more about the migration towards new endpoint.
Use the context parameter to specify a Player ID, to use custom Player configuration and ensure optimized monetization.

public readable

Sample value:

URL to embed this video. Deprecation notice:
Former endpoint has been deprecated.
Learn more about the migration towards new endpoint.
Use the context parameter to specify a Player ID, to use custom Player configuration and ensure optimized monetization.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Use a Player ID
Example: context=player%3D{PlayerID}

No Yes No

When this video status field is set to processing, this parameter indicates a number between 0 and 100 corresponding to the percentage of encoding already completed. When this value reaches 100, it’s possible for the owner to play his video. For other statuses this parameter returns -1. See also publishing_progress.

public readable minlength: -1 maxlength: 100

Sample value: 22

When this video status field is set to processing, this parameter indicates a number between 0 and 100 corresponding to the percentage of encoding already completed. When this value reaches 100, it’s possible for the owner to play his video. For other statuses this parameter returns -1. See also publishing_progress.


End date and time of this live stream.

public readable writable

Sample value: 1404129540

End date and time of this live stream.


Date and time after which this video will be made private. Beware: if the video was originally defined as private, setting this value will automatically make it public between its publish_date and expiry_date. This setting only affects the visibility of the video, it will still be available to anyone who knows how to access the video’s private URL even after this date. Omitting this value while setting a past publish_date never expires the video. Set to null (recommended) or a date after Jan 19th 2038 to reset this parameter.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.

private readable read scopes: manage_videos writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time after which this video will be made private. Beware: if the video was originally defined as private, setting this value will automatically make it public between its publish_date and expiry_date. This setting only affects the visibility of the video, it will still be available to anyone who knows how to access the video’s private URL even after this date. Omitting this value while setting a past publish_date never expires the video. Set to null (recommended) or a date after Jan 19th 2038 to reset this parameter.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.


By default, videos reaching their expiry_date are still available to anyone who knows how to access their private URL. Set this to false to disable this behavior.

private readable read roles: can-manage-video-availability writable write roles: can-manage-video-availability

Sample value: false

By default, videos reaching their expiry_date are still available to anyone who knows how to access their private URL. Set this to false to disable this behavior.


By default, videos are deleted (after a grace period) when their expiry_date is reached. Set this to false to disable this behavior.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.

private readable read scopes: manage_videos writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: false

By default, videos are deleted (after a grace period) when their expiry_date is reached. Set this to false to disable this behavior.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.


True if this video is explicit. Warning: It’s not possible to remove this flag once set.

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video is explicit. Warning: It’s not possible to remove this flag once set.


URL of the filmstrip sprite of this video. 100 images arranged in a 10×10 grid. Not available for short videos.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the filmstrip sprite of this video. 100 images arranged in a 10×10 grid. Not available for short videos.


URL of this video’s first_frame image (60px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (60px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (120px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (120px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (180px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (180px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (240px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (240px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (360px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (360px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (480px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (480px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (720px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (720px height).


URL of this video’s first_frame image (1080px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s first_frame image (1080px height).


List of countries where this video is or isn’t accessible. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) starting with the deny or allow (default) keyword to define if this is a block or an allowlist, e.g.: both allow, fr, us, it and fr, us, it will allow this video to be accessed in France, US and Italy and deny all other countries. On the other hand, deny, us, fr will deny access to this video in the US and France and allow it everywhere else. An empty list or simply allow (the default) will revert the behavior to allow from everywhere. To set geoblocking on your videos, you have to be a Dailymotion partner.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: allow, fr, us, it

List of countries where this video is or isn’t accessible. A list of country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) starting with the deny or allow (default) keyword to define if this is a block or an allowlist, e.g.: both allow, fr, us, it and fr, us, it will allow this video to be accessed in France, US and Italy and deny all other countries. On the other hand, deny, us, fr will deny access to this video in the US and France and allow it everywhere else. An empty list or simply allow (the default) will revert the behavior to allow from everywhere. To set geoblocking on your videos, you have to be a Dailymotion partner.


Geolocalization for this video. Result is an array with the longitude and latitude using point notation. Longitude range is from -180.0 (West) to 180.0 (East). Latitude range is from -90.0 (South) to 90.0 (North).

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: -122.40061283112, 37.782112059896

Geolocalization for this video. Result is an array with the longitude and latitude using point notation. Longitude range is from -180.0 (West) to 180.0 (East). Latitude range is from -90.0 (South) to 90.0 (North).


List of hashtags attached to this video.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: #hello, #world

List of hashtags attached to this video.


Height of this video from the source (px).

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 240

Height of this video from the source (px).


Unique object identifier (unique among all videos)

public readable default

Sample value: xluflan

Unique object identifier (unique among all videos)


True if this video is "Created for Kids" (intends to target an audience under the age of 16).

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video is "Created for Kids" (intends to target an audience under the age of 16).


Graph type of this object (hopefully video)

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: video

Graph type of this object (hopefully video)


Language of this video. This value is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. Allowed values are ISO-639-3 alpha-2 and alpha-3 language codes.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: en

Language of this video. This value is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. Allowed values are ISO-639-3 alpha-2 and alpha-3 language codes.


Date and time when this video was liked by the user.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this video was liked by the user.


Total amount of times this video has been liked.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 102

Total amount of times this video has been liked.


Estimated time for the end of the commercial ad break.

private readable read roles: user:partner read scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: 1287507036

Estimated time for the end of the commercial ad break.


Launches a given number of ad breaks for this live stream.

private write-only write roles: user:partner write scopes: manage_videos minlength: 1 maxlength: 1

Sample value: 1

Launches a given number of ad breaks for this live stream.


Returns the number of remaining ad break for this live stream.

private readable read roles: user:partner read scopes: manage_videos minlength: 0

Sample value: 2

Returns the number of remaining ad break for this live stream.


Date and time when this live stream went on-air for the last time

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this live stream went on-air for the last time


Live stream information: audio bitrate (b/s)

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 125928

Live stream information: audio bitrate (b/s)


True if this live stream is automatically recorded.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: false

True if this live stream is automatically recorded.


List of available live ingests.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: {"Default":""}

List of available live ingests.


URL to publish the live source stream on using SRT. The current logged-in user needs to own this video to retrieve this field.

public readable

Sample value: srt://

URL to publish the live source stream on using SRT. The current logged-in user needs to own this video to retrieve this field.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Pass this context value (refresh=true) if you need to refresh the stream key for the publish URL.

No Yes No

URL to publish the live source stream on. The current logged in user need to own this video in order to retrieve this field.

public readable

Sample value: rtmp://

URL to publish the live source stream on. The current logged in user need to own this video in order to retrieve this field.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Pass this context value (refresh=true) if you need to refresh the stream key for the publish URL.

No Yes No

A one time usage list of URLs to be called in order log a view on this video made on a

third party site (i.e.: embed player). See the log_view_urls field for format.

private readable read roles: content-partner or can-log-video-views minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: {"viewlog":"https:\/\/\/...","comscore":"https:\/\/\/..."}

A one time usage list of URLs to be called in order log a view on this video made on a

third party site (i.e.: embed player). See the log_view_urls field for format.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Whether the video autoplays or not.

No Yes No

Login or id of a user that acts as curator.

No Yes No

Value of the app query parameter passed by the client.

No Yes No

URL of the page that embeds the video.

No Yes No

URL of the page that led the user to the current page.

No Yes No

Array that describes the related settings used at the time the API call is made:

{"algo": "foo", "from_algo": "bar", "gravity": {"gr_reco": "42", "rec_id": "12"}, "tracker": ""}

No Yes No

Session id of the current reader.

No Yes No

Array of custom tracking URLs that respect the log_view_url specification.

No Yes No

A one time usage URL to log a view on this video. This URL expires after a short period of time, thus you should request it at the last moment.

private readable read roles: content-partner or can-log-video-views

Sample value:

A one time usage URL to log a view on this video. This URL expires after a short period of time, thus you should request it at the last moment.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

URL of the page that embeds the video.

No Yes No

URL of the page that led the user to the current page.

No Yes No

A one time usage list of URLs that will be called in order to log video view events.

The format of the dict is a key containing the label of the log URL + some directive on when to call it and the URL as value.
If the app encounters a key format it doesn’t understand, it should skip it with a console warning.
The format of the key is as follows: <label>(@<rule>)?
The label value is a alphanumeric string : [A-Za-z0-9]+
If no @ followed by rules is present, it means the URL has to be called as soon as the video starts (equivalent to label@0).
When the "mode" field of the video object is "live" and any ‘%’ character is found in the rules, the key should be skipped with a console warning.
The rule format is as follows: <delay>([,|]<delay>)*(/<recurrence>)?
The delay value can contain time spent in seconds (## or ##s) or minutes (##m), or in percentage of video duration (##%).
Delays can be separated by comas (all delays apply) or pipes (first match win, others are ignored).
It is not allowed to mix comas and pipes in the same rule. If not specified, default delay should be considered as "0s".
The recurrence value can contain time spent in seconds (## or ##s) or minutes (##m), or in percentage of video duration (##%).
The first recurrent trigger must occur after all the relevant delays have been triggered. It means that delay condition(s) (if valid) have total priority over the recurrence condition (see examples below).

Here are examples of valid keys:

  • logview : triggered as soon as the video starts.
  • liked@50%|10m : triggered when the user has spent the equivalent of 50% of the total video duration (time spent by the user = <video duration in seconds> * 0.5) or watched 10 minutes of the video (first match win)
  • ads@10s,639s : triggered when reaching 10 seconds AND 639 seconds of playback (all delays apply)
  • progress@10s/30s : triggered when reaching 10 seconds, and then each time the user watch 30 seconds of the video
  • progress@10s/10% : triggered when reaching 10 seconds, and then each time the user watch the equivalent of 10% of the total video duration (<video duration in seconds> * 0.1)
  • progress@/20% : triggered as soon as the video starts, and then each time the user watch the equivalent of 20% of the total video duration (<video duration in seconds> * 0.2)

The URL may contain markers that must be replaced by the client:

  • %session% marker is replaced by a generated UDID stored on the client to identify the users session over several requests. If the app can’t store such id, the URL must be ignored.
  • %time% marker is replaced by an integer value containing the total time spent in seconds by the client since he has started the video (it is NOT the number of seconds of the player playback position). For example, if the user watch 10 seconds of the video, then seek to 70% of the video and watch 5 additional seconds then stop, %time% is equal to 15 (seconds).
  • %position% marker is replaced by a float value between 0 and 1 (decimal separator is a point and not a coma and with at least 3 decimals) containing the current position of the player playback in percentage (it may be possible that multiple events are sent with the same position value within a single video view, when a seek occured). When the "mode" field is "live", this value should always be replaced by 0.
private readable read roles: content-partner or can-log-video-views minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: {"viewlog":"https:\/\/\/...","comscore":"https:\/\/\/..."}

A one time usage list of URLs that will be called in order to log video view events.

The format of the dict is a key containing the label of the log URL + some directive on when to call it and the URL as value.
If the app encounters a key format it doesn’t understand, it should skip it with a console warning.
The format of the key is as follows: <label>(@<rule>)?
The label value is a alphanumeric string : [A-Za-z0-9]+
If no @ followed by rules is present, it means the URL has to be called as soon as the video starts (equivalent to label@0).
When the "mode" field of the video object is "live" and any ‘%’ character is found in the rules, the key should be skipped with a console warning.
The rule format is as follows: <delay>([,|]<delay>)*(/<recurrence>)?
The delay value can contain time spent in seconds (## or ##s) or minutes (##m), or in percentage of video duration (##%).
Delays can be separated by comas (all delays apply) or pipes (first match win, others are ignored).
It is not allowed to mix comas and pipes in the same rule. If not specified, default delay should be considered as "0s".
The recurrence value can contain time spent in seconds (## or ##s) or minutes (##m), or in percentage of video duration (##%).
The first recurrent trigger must occur after all the relevant delays have been triggered. It means that delay condition(s) (if valid) have total priority over the recurrence condition (see examples below).

Here are examples of valid keys:

  • logview : triggered as soon as the video starts.
  • liked@50%|10m : triggered when the user has spent the equivalent of 50% of the total video duration (time spent by the user = <video duration in seconds> * 0.5) or watched 10 minutes of the video (first match win)
  • ads@10s,639s : triggered when reaching 10 seconds AND 639 seconds of playback (all delays apply)
  • progress@10s/30s : triggered when reaching 10 seconds, and then each time the user watch 30 seconds of the video
  • progress@10s/10% : triggered when reaching 10 seconds, and then each time the user watch the equivalent of 10% of the total video duration (<video duration in seconds> * 0.1)
  • progress@/20% : triggered as soon as the video starts, and then each time the user watch the equivalent of 20% of the total video duration (<video duration in seconds> * 0.2)

The URL may contain markers that must be replaced by the client:

  • %session% marker is replaced by a generated UDID stored on the client to identify the users session over several requests. If the app can’t store such id, the URL must be ignored.
  • %time% marker is replaced by an integer value containing the total time spent in seconds by the client since he has started the video (it is NOT the number of seconds of the player playback position). For example, if the user watch 10 seconds of the video, then seek to 70% of the video and watch 5 additional seconds then stop, %time% is equal to 15 (seconds).
  • %position% marker is replaced by a float value between 0 and 1 (decimal separator is a point and not a coma and with at least 3 decimals) containing the current position of the player playback in percentage (it may be possible that multiple events are sent with the same position value within a single video view, when a seek occured). When the "mode" field is "live", this value should always be replaced by 0.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

Whether the video autoplays or not.

No Yes No

Login or id of a user that acts as curator.

No Yes No

Value of the app query parameter passed by the client.

No Yes No

URL of the page that embeds the video.

No Yes No

URL of the page that led the user to the current page.

No Yes No

Array that describes the related settings used at the time the API call is made:

{"algo": "foo", "from_algo": "bar", "gravity": {"gr_reco": "42", "rec_id": "12"}, "tracker": ""}

No Yes No

Session id of the current reader.

No Yes No

Array of custom tracking URLs that respect the log_view_url specification.

No Yes No

Media type of this content.

public readable allowed values: audio or video

Sample value: video

Media type of this content.


Stream mode.

public readable writable allowed values: vod or live

Sample value: vod

Stream mode.


True if this live stream is broadcasting and watchable in the player.

public readable

Sample value: false

True if this live stream is broadcasting and watchable in the player.


Owner of this video. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable default

Sample value: xrfb0ph

Owner of this video. You can retrieve sub-fields of this user object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


True if the video is owned by a partner.

public readable

Sample value: false

True if the video is owned by a partner.


If a video is protected by a password, this field contains the password (deprecated, as it now only returns NULL). When setting a value on this field, the video visibility changes to "password protected". Setting it to NULL removes the password protection: the visibility is changed to "public".

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: hdI76FGhwo3n

If a video is protected by a password, this field contains the password (deprecated, as it now only returns NULL). When setting a value on this field, the video visibility changes to "password protected". Setting it to NULL removes the password protection: the visibility is changed to "public".


True if this video is password-protected.

public readable

Sample value: true

True if this video is password-protected.


A unique video picked by the owner, displayed when video’s playback ends. You can retrieve sub-fields of this video object using the dot-notation (e.g.:

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: xrfb0ph

A unique video picked by the owner, displayed when video’s playback ends. You can retrieve sub-fields of this video object using the dot-notation (e.g.:


An array of video picked by the owner, displayed when video’s playback ends.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: x1234, x1234

An array of video picked by the owner, displayed when video’s playback ends.


URL of this video’s video preview.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s video preview.


URL of this video’s video preview.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s video preview.


URL of this video’s video preview.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s video preview.


True if this video is private.

public readable writable

Sample value: true

True if this video is private.


The private video id. Null if the authentificated user is not the owner of this video. Although successive calls will generate different ids, a private id generated for a given video will always be valid. Beware that if the video is private and you disclose this private id, your video is no longer private.

public readable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: k1KqUqDdmllgej374a2

The private video id. Null if the authentificated user is not the owner of this video. Although successive calls will generate different ids, a private id generated for a given video will always be valid. Beware that if the video is private and you disclose this private id, your video is no longer private.


Date and time after which this video will be made publicly available. Beware: if the video was originally defined as private, setting this value will automatically make it public after the publish_date. This setting only affects the visibility of the video, it will still be available to anyone who knows how to access the video’s private URL even before this date. Omitting this value while setting a future expiry_date immediately publishes the video. Set to null (recommended) or a date before Jan 1st 1990 to reset this parameter.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.

private readable read scopes: manage_videos writable write scopes: manage_videos

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time after which this video will be made publicly available. Beware: if the video was originally defined as private, setting this value will automatically make it public after the publish_date. This setting only affects the visibility of the video, it will still be available to anyone who knows how to access the video’s private URL even before this date. Omitting this value while setting a future expiry_date immediately publishes the video. Set to null (recommended) or a date before Jan 1st 1990 to reset this parameter.

Note : Only verified partners are allowed to manage video availability and expiration dates.


Keep this video private when its publication_date is reached.

private readable read roles: can-manage-video-availability writable write roles: can-manage-video-availability

Sample value: true

Keep this video private when its publication_date is reached.


True if this video is published (may still be waiting for encoding, see the status field for more information).

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video is published (may still be waiting for encoding, see the status field for more information).


When this video status field is set to processing, this parameter indicates a number between 0 and 100 corresponding to the percentage of progress from the status waiting to ready. Unlike encoding_progress that can reach 100 well before the switch from processing to ready, this value will not.

public readable minlength: 0 maxlength: 100

Sample value: 22

When this video status field is set to processing, this parameter indicates a number between 0 and 100 corresponding to the percentage of progress from the status waiting to ready. Unlike encoding_progress that can reach 100 well before the switch from processing to ready, this value will not.


Date and time when the video record was stopped.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when the video record was stopped.


Date and time when the video record started.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when the video record started.


Current state of the recording process of this video.

  • starting: Recording video is going to start
  • started: Recording video is in progress
  • stopping: Recording video is going to stop
  • stopped: Recording video is stopped
public readable writable write scopes: manage_records allowed values: starting, started, stopping or stopped

Sample value: started

Current state of the recording process of this video.

  • starting: Recording video is going to start
  • started: Recording video is in progress
  • stopping: Recording video is going to stop
  • stopped: Recording video is stopped

Recurrence of this live stream.

public readable allowed values: once, daily or weekly

Sample value: daily

Recurrence of this live stream.


URL of the image-based seeker resource of this video. internal resource format is proprietary. Not available for short videos.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the image-based seeker resource of this video. internal resource format is proprietary. Not available for short videos.


The International Standard Recording Code of the soundtrack associated to this video.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: FR-6V8-21-83311

The International Standard Recording Code of the soundtrack associated to this video.


Soundtrack popularity.

public readable writable write scopes: manage_videos minlength: 0

Sample value: 100

Soundtrack popularity.


URL of the sprite of this video, width:320px

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the sprite of this video, width:320px


URL of the sprite of this video.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the sprite of this video.


Start date and time of this live stream.

public readable writable

Sample value: 1287507036

Start date and time of this live stream.


Status of this video. A video requires the published status to be set to true to be watchable.

public readable allowed values: waiting, processing, ready, published, rejected, deleted or encoding_error

Sample value: processing

Status of this video. A video requires the published status to be set to true to be watchable.


URL of this audio stream. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of this audio stream. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the Full HD video stream (1080p, ~6.25 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the Full HD video stream (1080p, ~6.25 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the high definition video stream (720p, ~2.17 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the high definition video stream (720p, ~2.17 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the high quality WVGA video stream (480p, ~845 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the high quality WVGA video stream (480p, ~845 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the very low quality/low bandwidth mobile video stream (144p, ~60 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the very low quality/low bandwidth mobile video stream (144p, ~60 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the very low quality/high bandwidth mobile video stream (144p, ~106 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the very low quality/high bandwidth mobile video stream (144p, ~106 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the low quality QVGA Mobile 3G video stream (240p, ~260 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the low quality QVGA Mobile 3G video stream (240p, ~260 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the Quad HD video stream (1440p, ~10.4 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the Quad HD video stream (1440p, ~10.4 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the Ultra HD 4K video stream (2160p, ~16.5 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the Ultra HD 4K video stream (2160p, ~16.5 Mbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the medium quality video stream (384p, ~465 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the medium quality video stream (384p, ~465 kbps). Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the adaptative bitrate manifest using the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of the adaptative bitrate manifest using the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of this live stream using the HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of this live stream using the HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of this live stream using the RTMP protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of this live stream using the RTMP protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of this live stream using the Smooth Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of this live stream using the Smooth Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of this video source. Without an access token this field contains null, the dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field returns null a few days after the video upload. Please refer to others stream_*_url fields to get a stream. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable read roles: content-partner, can-read-video-streams or can-read-my-video-streams

Sample value:

URL of this video source. Without an access token this field contains null, the dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field returns null a few days after the video upload. Please refer to others stream_*_url fields to get a stream. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


True if this video is produced by the Dailymotion studio.

private readable read roles: content-partner or can-manage-studio

Sample value: false

True if this video is produced by the Dailymotion studio.


List of tags attached to this video.

public readable writable minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: party, John Doe

List of tags attached to this video.


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (60px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (60px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (62px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (62px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (120px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (120px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (180px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (180px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (240px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (240px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (360px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (360px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (480px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (480px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (720px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (720px height).


URL of this video’s thumbnail image (1080px height).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s thumbnail image (1080px height).


URL of this video’s raw thumbnail (full size respecting ratio). Some users have the permission to change this value by providing an URL to a custom thumbnail. If you don’t have the permission, the thumbnail won’t be updated. Note: for live streams, the thumbnail is automatically generated every 5 mn by default; it is not possible anymore to manually refresh the preview. Maximum allowed file size is 10MB

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of this video’s raw thumbnail (full size respecting ratio). Some users have the permission to change this value by providing an URL to a custom thumbnail. If you don’t have the permission, the thumbnail won’t be updated. Note: for live streams, the thumbnail is automatically generated every 5 mn by default; it is not possible anymore to manually refresh the preview. Maximum allowed file size is 10MB


Tiny URL of this video.

public readable

Sample value:

Tiny URL of this video.


Title of this video.

public readable writable default minlength: 1 maxlength: 255

Sample value: My video title

Title of this video.


Date and time when this video was last updated.

public readable

Sample value: 1404129540

Date and time when this video was last updated.


Date and time when this video was originally uploaded.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this video was originally uploaded.


URL of this video on Dailymotion. Writing this parameter defines where to download the video source. You may either use this parameter at video creation time or change this parameter later if you want to change this video source afterward. To change an existing video, the authenticated user may need some additional permissions. You may use the GET /file/upload API resource to upload a video file and create a URL to provide to this method or use an existing URL pointing to your own video file. Writing to this parameter is subject to rate limiting.

public readable writable

Sample value:

URL of this video on Dailymotion. Writing this parameter defines where to download the video source. You may either use this parameter at video creation time or change this parameter later if you want to change this video source afterward. To change an existing video, the authenticated user may need some additional permissions. You may use the GET /file/upload API resource to upload a video file and create a URL to provide to this method or use an existing URL pointing to your own video file. Writing to this parameter is subject to rate limiting.


True if the video is owned by a verified partner.

public readable

Sample value: false

True if the video is owned by a verified partner.


Total number of views on this video in the last 24 sliding hours.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 203

Total number of views on this video in the last 24 sliding hours.


Total number of views on this video in the last sliding hour.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 102

Total number of views on this video in the last sliding hour.


Total number of views on this video in the last 30 sliding days.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 4023

Total number of views on this video in the last 30 sliding days.


Total number of views on this video in the last 7 sliding days.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 1030

Total number of views on this video in the last 7 sliding days.


Total amount of views on this video since its publication.

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 10203

Total amount of views on this video since its publication.


Width of this video from the source (px).

public readable minlength: 0

Sample value: 320

Width of this video from the source (px).

Video deprecated fields

These deprecated fields were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each field. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


True if this video is in 3D format.

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video is in 3D format.


True if advertising id allowed on this video depending on its content.

private readable writable

Sample value: false

True if advertising id allowed on this video depending on its content.


True if this video can be added to groups.

public readable writable

Sample value: false

True if this video can be added to groups.


Total amount of times this video has been added to a user’s favorites.

public readable

Sample value: 102

Total amount of times this video has been added to a user’s favorites.


True if this live stream is ready for delivery.

public readable

Sample value: false

True if this live stream is ready for delivery.


Duration of this video (human readable).

public readable

Sample value: 07:03

Duration of this video (human readable).


Date and time when this video was bookmarked by the current user.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this video was bookmarked by the current user.


Sprite URL of snapshots of this video if it exists.

public readable

Sample value:

Sprite URL of snapshots of this video if it exists.


Detected ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) of the soundtrack.

public readable

Sample value: FR-6V8-21-83311

Detected ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) of the soundtrack.


False if this live stream is only visible by his owner.

public readable writable

Sample value: false

False if this live stream is only visible by his owner.


One time usage URL to log a view on this video made on a third party site (i.e.: embedded player). This URL expires after a short period of time, thus you should request it at the last moment.

private readable

Sample value:

One time usage URL to log a view on this video made on a third party site (i.e.: embedded player). This URL expires after a short period of time, thus you should request it at the last moment.

Reading and/or editing this field requires some contextual information. Please refer to the API global parameters list for more information about context.

Context Description Required For reading For writing

URL of the page that embeds the video.

No Yes No

URL of the page that led the user to the current page.

No Yes No

Date and time when this video was last modified.

public readable

Sample value: 1287507036

Date and time when this video was last modified.


Detected MUYAP (Turkish Phonographic Industry Society Identifier) of the soundtrack.

public readable

Sample value: BXjVm33LBNCIGfS6GBNw4A==

Detected MUYAP (Turkish Phonographic Industry Society Identifier) of the soundtrack.


URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (160px by 160px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (160px by 160px).


URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (80px by 80px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (80px by 80px).


URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (40px by 40px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the avatar image of the owner of this video (40px by 40px).


Full name of the owner of this video.

public readable

Sample value: John Doe

Full name of the owner of this video.


Username or fullname of the owner of this video, depending on user preference.

public readable

Sample value: johndoe424

Username or fullname of the owner of this video, depending on user preference.


URL of the owner of this video.

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the owner of this video.


Username of the owner of this video.

public readable

Sample value: johndoe424

Username of the owner of this video.


Content provider identifier.

private readable writable

Sample value: string example

Content provider identifier.


Average number of stars this video has received as a float.

public readable

Sample value: 3.4

Average number of stars this video has received as a float.


Total amount of users who voted for this video.

public readable

Sample value: 124

Total amount of users who voted for this video.


Price of renting this video as a float in the current currency or null if this video is not behind a paywall. See the currency field of the /locale endpoint to retrieve the current currency.

public readable writable

Sample value: 1.95

Price of renting this video as a float in the current currency or null if this video is not behind a paywall. See the currency field of the /locale endpoint to retrieve the current currency.


Price of renting this video, formatted with currency according to the request localization. Will be null if this video is not behind a paywall.

public readable

Sample value: $1.95

Price of renting this video, formatted with currency according to the request localization. Will be null if this video is not behind a paywall.


URL of the video stream for Chromecast devices :

  • The returned URL is HTTPS only
  • &max=1080 is appended to the returned URL because Chromecast does not support qualities above 1080
private readable

Sample value:

URL of the video stream for Chromecast devices :

  • The returned URL is HTTPS only
  • &max=1080 is appended to the returned URL because Chromecast does not support qualities above 1080

URL of this live stream source using the HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable

Sample value:

URL of this live stream source using the HTTP Live Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


URL of the adaptative bitrate manifest using the Dailymotion LumberJack Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.

private readable

Sample value:

URL of the adaptative bitrate manifest using the Dailymotion LumberJack Streaming protocol. Without an access token this field contains null, the Dailymotion user associated with the access token must be the owner of the video. This field is rate limited. The returned url is secured: it can only be consumed by the user who made the query and it expires after a certain time.


List of strong tags attached to this video.

public readable

Sample value: John Doe, United States of America

List of strong tags attached to this video.


URL of the legacy SWF embed player (only use this to embed the player into a flash movie, otherwise use embed_url).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of the legacy SWF embed player (only use this to embed the player into a flash movie, otherwise use embed_url).


URL of this video thumbnail image (320px by 240px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video thumbnail image (320px by 240px).


URL of this video thumbnail image (160px by 120px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video thumbnail image (160px by 120px).


URL of this video thumbnail image (80px by 60px).

public readable

Sample value:

URL of this video thumbnail image (80px by 60px).


Content type of this video (can be official, creative or null).

public readable writable

Sample value: ugc

Content type of this video (can be official, creative or null).


Detected UPC (Universal Product Code) of the soundtrack.

public readable

Sample value: 3610154759952

Detected UPC (Universal Product Code) of the soundtrack.


VAST template URL as a string for this video or null if video doesn’t accept in-stream ads.

private readable

Sample value:

VAST template URL as a string for this video or null if video doesn’t accept in-stream ads.

Video filters

Here is the list of filters you can use to limit a result set of video objects. You can use these by passing them as query-string parameters with your request.


Limit the result set to 360 videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to 360 videos.


Limit the result set to advertising_instream_blocked

Sample value: false

Limit the result set to advertising_instream_blocked


Limit the results to videos which are allowed in playlists.

Sample value: false

Limit the results to videos which are allowed in playlists.


Limit the result set to available videos.

Sample value: false

Limit the result set to available videos.


Limit the result set to this channel.

Sample value: news

Limit the result set to this channel.


Limit the result set to this country (declarative).

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: US

Limit the result set to this country (declarative).


Limit the result set to videos created after this date and time.

Sample value: 1287507036

Limit the result set to videos created after this date and time.


Limit the result set to videos created before this date and time.

Sample value: 1287507036

Limit the result set to videos created before this date and time.


List of channels ids to exclude from the result set.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: people, fun, school

List of channels ids to exclude from the result set.


List of video ids to exclude from the result set.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: xk2k3, x26m1j4, xkeg4

List of video ids to exclude from the result set.


Limit the result set to the provided explicit value for videos.

Sample value: false

Limit the result set to the provided explicit value for videos.


Limit the result set to exportable (i.e: no-export flag not set) videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to exportable (i.e: no-export flag not set) videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to featured videos.


List of simple boolean flags available to reduce the result set.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: featured, hd, ugc, ugc_partner, live, no_live, live_onair, live_offair, live_upcoming, no_live_recording, has_game, premium, no_premium, in_history, 360_degree, availability, is_created_for_kids, explicit, private, unpublished, exportable, allowed_in_playlists, advertising_instream_blocked, partner, verified or password_protected

Sample value: featured, hd

List of simple boolean flags available to reduce the result set.


Limit the result set to videos related to a video-game.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to videos related to a video-game.


Limit the result set to high definition videos (vertical resolution greater than or equal to 720p).

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to high definition videos (vertical resolution greater than or equal to 720p).


Limit the result set to this list of video identifiers (works only with xids).

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: xk2k3, x26m1j4, xkeg4

Limit the result set to this list of video identifiers (works only with xids).


Limit the result set to videos in your watch history.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to videos in your watch history.


Limit the result set to the provided is_created_for_kids value for videos.

Sample value: false

Limit the result set to the provided is_created_for_kids value for videos.


Limit the result set to this list of languages. Language is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. If you wish to retrieve content currated for a specific locale, use the localization global parameter instead.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: fr, en, it

Limit the result set to this list of languages. Language is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. If you wish to retrieve content currated for a specific locale, use the localization global parameter instead.


Limit the result set to this video list. Warning: Can not be combined with a search.

STRING allowed values: what-to-watch or recommended

Sample value: what-to-watch

Limit the result set to this video list. Warning: Can not be combined with a search.


Limit the result set to live streaming videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to live streaming videos.


Limit the result set to off-air live streaming videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to off-air live streaming videos.


Limit the result set to on-air live streaming videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to on-air live streaming videos.


Limit the result set to upcoming live streaming videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to upcoming live streaming videos.


Limit the results to videos with a duration longer than or equal to the specified number of minutes.

NUMBER minlength: 0

Sample value: 3600

Limit the results to videos with a duration longer than or equal to the specified number of minutes.


Limit the result set to videos of this mode.

STRING allowed values: vod or live

Sample value: vod

Limit the result set to videos of this mode.


Limit the result set to non-live streaming videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to non-live streaming videos.


Limit the result set to live recording videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to live recording videos.


Limit the result set to free video content.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to free video content.


Limit the result set by excluding this genre.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: Comedy

Limit the result set by excluding this genre.


Limit the result set to this list of user identifiers or logins.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: user1, user2, user3

Limit the result set to this list of user identifiers or logins.


Limit the result set to partner videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to partner videos.


Limit the result set to password protected partner videos.

Sample value: true

Limit the result set to password protected partner videos.


Limit the result set to premium SVOD and TVOD video content.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to premium SVOD and TVOD video content.


Limit the result set to private videos.

Sample value: true

Limit the result set to private videos.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150 allowed values: uploader-only, uploader-with-siblings, uploader-with-parent or uploader-with-children

Sample value: "uploader-only"

Forces the recommendation result to use a specifc algorithm


Limit the result set to this full text search.

STRING minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: football

Limit the result set to this full text search.


Limit the results to videos with a duration shorter than or equal to the specified number of minutes.

NUMBER minlength: 0

Sample value: 60

Limit the results to videos with a duration shorter than or equal to the specified number of minutes.


Change the default result set ordering. Notes:

  • the relevance filter can only be used in conjunction with the search filter.
  • Deprecated sorts (ranking, rated, rated-hour, rated-today, rated-week, rated-month, commented, commented-hour, commented-today, commented-week, commented-month)
STRING allowed values: recent, visited, visited-hour, visited-today, visited-week, visited-month, relevance, random, trending, old, live-audience, least-visited, live-airing-time or id-asc

Sample value: visited

Change the default result set ordering. Notes:

  • the relevance filter can only be used in conjunction with the search filter.
  • Deprecated sorts (ranking, rated, rated-hour, rated-today, rated-week, rated-month, commented, commented-hour, commented-today, commented-week, commented-month)

Limit the result set to this full text search of video tags. By default perform ‘AND’ operation between terms. Use enclosing parenthesis ‘()’ on the query to perform ‘OR’ operation.

ARRAY minlength: 1 maxlength: 150

Sample value: party, John Doe

Limit the result set to this full text search of video tags. By default perform ‘AND’ operation between terms. Use enclosing parenthesis ‘()’ on the query to perform ‘OR’ operation.


Limit the result set to videos created after this N last seconds.

NUMBER minlength: 0

Sample value: 86400

Limit the result set to videos created after this N last seconds.


Limit the result set to user generated video content (no partner content).

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to user generated video content (no partner content).


Limit the result set to user generated or partner video content.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to user generated or partner video content.


Limit the result set to unpublished videos.

Sample value: false

Limit the result set to unpublished videos.


Limit the result set to verified partner videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to verified partner videos.

Video deprecated filters

These deprecated filters were once part of the API reference but are no longer maintained. Support is still available until the end of life date specified for each filter. Do not use any of these for a new project as they may disappear without warning.


Limit the result set to 3D videos.

Sample value: n/a

Limit the result set to 3D videos.


List of simple boolean filters available to reduce the result set.

Sample value: featured, hd

List of simple boolean filters available to reduce the result set.


Limit the result set to this language. This value is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. If you wish to retrieve content currated for a specific locale, use the localization global parameter instead.

Sample value: en

Limit the result set to this language. This value is declarative and corresponds to the user-declared spoken language of the video. If you wish to retrieve content currated for a specific locale, use the localization global parameter instead.


Limit the result set to videos updated after this date and time.

Sample value: 1287507036

Limit the result set to videos updated after this date and time.


Limit the result set to videos updated before this date and time.

Sample value: 1287507036

Limit the result set to videos updated before this date and time.


Limit the result set to videos of this user.

Sample value: xrfb0ph

Limit the result set to videos of this user.


Limit the result set to this strong tag.

Sample value: John Doe, United States of America

Limit the result set to this strong tag.

Video connections

Connections through the data API are used to link objects with each others. Some objects can only be accessed and/or created through connections since they have no point in existing on their own. Here is the list of connections available through the video object.


List of videos recorded from this video live.
This connection joins an object of type video with a list of video objects.

public readable

List of videos recorded from this video live.
This connection joins an object of type video with a list of video objects.

Read the video's recordings connection

You can retrieve the list of recordings connected to a video object by issuing a GET request to /video/<VIDEO_ID>/recordings. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

public readable

List of videos related to this video.
This connection joins an object of type video with a list of video objects.

You can retrieve the list of related connected to a video object by issuing a GET request to /video/<VIDEO_ID>/related. You can specify the list of fields from the video objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.


List of subtitles available for this video.
This connection joins an object of type video with a list of subtitle objects.

public readable writable

List of subtitles available for this video.
This connection joins an object of type video with a list of subtitle objects.

Read the video's subtitles connection

You can retrieve the list of subtitles connected to a video object by issuing a GET request to /video/<VIDEO_ID>/subtitles. You can specify the list of fields from the subtitle objects to be returned using the fields parameter.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Create a video's subtitles connection

You can create a new subtitle object and automatically connect it to an existing video object by issuing a POST request to /video/<VIDEO_ID>/subtitles with the following parameters.

Type Parameter Required Description
STRING format No

Data format SRT only is supported, if you have an other format please convert it to SRT.

STRING language No

Language of these subtitles.

URL url No

On GET, the URL pointing to the latest version of the subtitles. On POST, URL pointing to the subtitle data in on of the valid formats. You don’t need to host the file, you can use the GET /file/upload API ressource to create a temporary URL to a file of your own, just like when you upload a video source file. If you host your own file, the file will be fetched and the subtitles URL will point to a local copy.

In return, you will receive a dict value containing the newly created object, including its identifier.
Test it with the API Explorer.

Delete a video's subtitles connection

You can delete a subtitle object connected to a video object the same way you would if it wasn't attached, that is by issuing a DELETE request to /subtitle/<SUBTITLE_ID>.
Test it with the API Explorer.


embed_html and embed_url returning new embed endpoint

Date: 2024-09-23

As part of the progressive deprecation of the legacy embed endpoint, the API fields embed_html and embed_url are now returning the new embed endpoint.

Learn more about the deprecation of the legacy embed endpoint and how to update your integration if you’re using one of these two API fields:

Pass Player ID with embed_url and embed_html

Date: 2023-10-09

You should now pass your Player ID in the embed_url and embed_html fields by adding context=player%3D{PlayerID} in your request.
This ensures you can benefit from custom Player settings, accurate tracking and centralized management in your Dailymotion Studio.

Request example:,embed_url&context=player%3Dxc394

Answer example: "embed_url": ""

Note: This method uses the new embed endpoint
Former endpoint will soon be deprecated.

Player field for Google compliance

Date: 2023-03-03

If you rely on Google advertisement, you can set our new Player field enable_google_policy_ui to true to use our Google compliant PiP interface (with the close button outside PiP) to keep generating revenue from it.

Errore type DM019

Date: 2022-04-07

New error type (DM019) exposed on the Player for the content uploaded by inactive users