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Getting started with the iOS SDK


The iOS SDK is available on GitHub.

Key Features

  • Remote Player management
  • iOS 18 support
  • Verified Google IMA integration
  • OMSDK support
  • Sample Player applications & code samples
  • Fullscreen playback management
  • Access to Player events and state facilitated
  • Chromecast support

Supported versions & requirements

Swift 5+
iOS 14+
Xcode 14+

Sample applications

To help you learn about our iOS SDK and to facilitate testing, discover our sample SDK applications:

  • iOS sample app: Download the sample app here directly on your device and explore the functionalities of the SDK in a user-friendly UI
  • Source code: Access the source code of the sample app here, customize as you wish and easily integrate the SDK into your projects

Sample applications contain provided Player IDs for testing purposes only, which shouldn’t be used in other apps.
Replace them with your own Player IDs (see how to create a Player configuration here).

Getting started

1. Create an iOS Player configuration

As a first step you need to create a custom Player configuration for your iOS application in your Dailymotion account. A unique Player Id will be generated which will be required for Player initialization in-app, accurate monetization, targeting and attribution.

The custom Player configuration can be created and managed either through the “Players” tab in the Dailymotion Studio or programmatically via the Platform API.

Please note “Picture-in-Picture”, “First time viewable”, “Aspect ratio” and “Use embedder link when sharing” features won’t be available and are reserved for JavaScript embeds.

2. Add the SDK to your Project

Using the Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into Xcode and the Swift compiler.

  1. Click File
  2. Click Add Packages...
  3. Specify the git URL for Dailymotion iOS SDK:

Implement it manually

  1. Clone the Dailymotion iOS SDK git :
  2. Copy the Frameworks folder from the cloned git into your project
  3. From Xcode select your project
  4. Select General Tab
  5. Expand Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section
  6. Open previous copied Frameworks folder

Select Drag and Drop into Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded section the .xcframework found in the directories DailymotionPlayer and AdvertisingFramework found there.

The frameworks added to the project target should be :

  • DailymotionPlayerSDK.xcframework
  • DailymotionAdvertisingServices.xcframework
  • GoogleInteractiveMediaAds.xcframework
  • OMSDK_Dailymotion.xcframework

Now you can build your project 🚀

3. Create & Add a Player view

Import Dailymotion SDK

import DailymotionPlayerSDK
import AVFoundation
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Container View IBOutlet - host view for the player
  @IBOutlet weak var playerContainerView: UIView!

Create the Player view and add it to view hierarchy – Closure

// Please replace the player id with your own Player ID accessed via the Dailymotion Studio or Platform API.
    Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: <#"xbzlf"#>, videoId: <#"x84sh87"#>, playerParameters:  DMPlayerParameters() , playerDelegate: self) { [weak self] playerView, error in
// Wait for Player initialisation and check if self is still allocated
      guard let self = self else {
      // Check For errors
      if let error = error {
        print("Error creating player: \(error)")
      } else {
        guard let playerView = playerView else {
        // Attach the created Player View to your player container View
        let constraints = [
          playerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.topAnchor, constant: 0),
          playerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.bottomAnchor, constant: 0),
          playerView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.leadingAnchor, constant: 0),
          playerView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.trailingAnchor, constant: 0)
        // Activate created constraints

Create the Player view and add it to view hierarchy – Async/Await

do {
      // Please replace the Player ID with your own Player ID accessed via the Dailymotion Studio or Platform API.
      let playerView = try await Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: <#"xbzlf"#>, videoId: <#"x84sh87"#>, playerParameters:  DMPlayerParameters() , playerDelegate: self)
      // Attach the created Player View to your player container View
      let constraints = [
        playerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.topAnchor, constant: 0),
        playerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.bottomAnchor, constant: 0),
        playerView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.leadingAnchor, constant: 0),
        playerView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.playerContainerView.trailingAnchor, constant: 0)
      // Activate created constraints
    catch {
      // Handle erros
      print("Error creating player: \(error)")

Implement DMPlayerDelegate :

In order to get full functionality and benefit from full monetization, implementing DMPlayerDelegate is mandatory.

extension ViewController: DMPlayerDelegate {
func player(_ player: DMPlayerView, openUrl url: URL) {
  func playerWillPresentFullscreenViewController(_ player: DMPlayerView) -> UIViewController {
    return self
  func playerWillPresentAdInParentViewController(_ player: DMPlayerView) -> UIViewController {
    return self
Initialization method
NameInfo Example
Create Player To create the player object DMPlayerView, the object will be returned in the completion closure given as a parameter. Player ID is mandatory and can be created and managed on Dailymotion Studio
Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PLAYERID", videoId: "VIDEOID", playerParameters: DMPlayerParameters() , playerDelegate: self)

Required configuration methods

After configuring the initialization of the player, it is required to implement the necessary methods of the protocol DMPlayerDelegate to ensure your application can manage the player in all contexts.


The below methods need to be configured to ensure your application can manage the player in all contexts

Info Example
Informs the delegate that the app has to open a URL in a browser result as a user action
player(_ player: DMPlayerView, openUrl url: URL
Asks the delegate for a UIViewController to present the player in fullscreen
Asks the delegate for a UIViewController to display an Ad dependent by a UIViewController

Explore the iOS SDK Reference

Now that you’ve learned more about how to embed content in your iOS environments, you can dive deeper and see what’s possible to do to improve your integration and customize it to fit your needs with the following elements:

  • Advanced runtime parameters: On top of your Player configuration, you can add extra parameters that can change at runtime.
  • Methods: Our methods allow you to control the Player behavior, customize the user experience and create dynamic interactions.
  • Events: Work with events to capture user interactions with the Player and trigger custom actions.
  • State: Retrieve the data of your Player state

Add runtime Player parameters

While the main Player experience is controlled using the settings defined in your Player configuration from the Dailymotion Studio (Players tab) or the Platform API, additional runtime customization is achievable using client-side parameters. They allow you to specify additional Player behavior or pass in required values to a specific Player embed.

In the example below, we’re adding the following runtime parameters to the existing Player config defined in the {Player ID} placeholder:

  • startTime=15: video will start playing from second 15
  • mute=true: video will start muted

Add runtime parameters in the dmPlayerParameters variable:

var dmPlayerParameters = DMPlayerParameters()
dmPlayerParameters.customConfig =  ["keyvalues":"category=sport&section=video", "dynamiciu":"USERID/12345"]
dmPlayerParameters.allowIDFA = true
dmPlayerParameters.allowPIP = true
dmPlayerParameters.defaultFullscreenOrientation = .landscapeRight
dmPlayerParameters.mute = true
dmPlayerParameters.scaleMode = .fit
dmPlayerParameters.startTime = 15
dmPlayerParameters.loop = false

Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PlayerId", playerParameters: dmPlayerParameters, logLevels: [.all]) { playerView, error in

Find all available runtime parameters in the iOS SDK Reference

Manage event listeners

To listen to events triggered by the Player, you need to implement the 3 delegate protocols: DMPlayerDelegate , DMVideoDelegate and DMAdDelegate .

Pass the delegate protocols in the createPlayer method:

Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PLAYER_ID",playerDelegate: self, videoDelegate: self, adDelegate: self , completion: { [weak self] (dmPlayer, error) in
      // Create Player Done

Pass the delegate protocols to the created DMPlayerView instance:

Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PLAYER_ID", completion: { [weak self] (dmPlayer, error) in
      // Create Player Done
      dmPlayer?.playerDelegate = self
      dmPlayer?.videoDelegate = self
      dmPlayer?.adDelegate = self

To ensure all events are caught by your delegates, we recommend using the first approach with passing the delegates in the createPlayer() method.

Find all available events in the iOS SDK Reference

Retrieve Player state

The Player state can be retrieved at any time using the getState(completion:) method:

self.dmPlayerView?.getState(completion: { [weak self] (playerState) in
     print("playerIsPlaying : \(playerState?.playerIsPlaying)")
     print("videoId : \(playerState?.videoId)")
     print("playerError : \(playerState?.playerError)")

Fin all available states in the iOS SDK Reference.

Implement fullscreen

The iOS SDK supports a built-in fullscreen feature as well as custom fullscreen implementations.

Out-of-the-box implementation

In order for the fullscreen functionality to work, you have to implement DMPlayerDelegate and playerWillPresentFullscreenViewController function where you have to return a view controller that can be presented on:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
 override func viewDidLoad() {
  Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PlayerID", playerDelegate: self) { playerView, error in
extension ViewController: DMPlayerDelegate {
 func playerWillPresentFullscreenViewController(_ player: DMPlayerView) -> 
 UIViewController {
    return self

Checking fullscreen state :

  1. You can check at any time after Player creation if the Player is in fullscreen by calling playerView.isFullscreen that will return true if is in fullscreen mode or false if not.
  2. Implementing from DMPlayerDelegate the playerDidPresentationModeChange function, you will get a DMPlayerView.PresentationMode enum that will contain all possible player presentation states : inline , pictureInPicture and fullscreen :
extension ViewController: DMPlayerDelegate {
func playerDidPresentationModeChange(_ player: DMPlayerView, presentationMode: DMPlayerView.PresentationMode) {
switch presentationMode {
    case .fullscreen: break
    case .inline: break
    case .pictureInPicture: break
    default: break

Handling fullscreen orientation :

  1. Using defaultFullscreenOrientation parameter from DMPlayerParameters object passed to create Player in order to set the default orientation when user requests fullscreen.
  2. Using the function setFullscreen(fullscreen: Bool, orientation: DMPlayerFullscreenOrientation? = nil) to overwrite the default orientation when programmatically want to switch to fullscreen.

Custom implementation

If you don’t want to use the out-of-the-box fullscreen feature, you can implement your own fullscreen experience starting from version 1.1.0. following the below steps:

  1. Implement DMPlayerDelegate and playerWillPresentFullscreenViewController function where you have to return nil  instead of a UIViewController
  2. Implement playerDidRequestFullscreen and playerDidExitFullScreen delegates to handle the Fullscreen/Exit Fullscreen
  3. Call notifyFullscreenChanged() after each orientation change
class ViewController: UIViewController {
 override func viewDidLoad() {
  Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PlayerID", playerDelegate: self) { playerView, error in
extension ViewController: DMPlayerDelegate {
 func playerWillPresentFullscreenViewController(_ player: DMPlayerView) -> UIViewController? {
    return nil
 func playerDidRequestFullscreen(_ player: DMPlayerView) {
    // Move the player in fullscreen State
    // Call notifyFullscreenChanged() the player will update his state 
 func playerDidExitFullScreen(_ player: DMPlayerView) {
    // Move the player in initial State
    // Call notifyFullscreenChanged() the player will update his state  

Calling player.notifyFullscreenChanged() is required after updating the Player state to either inline or fullscreen. Not calling it might affect monetisation and certain Player functionalities.

Implement Chromecast

Optional Chromecast module:

The iOS SDK can be integrated without the Chromecast module which is optional and can be excluded based on your project requirements.


Check our sample apps for an example on how to use, integrate and customise the Cast SDK with the Dailymotion Player on iOS environment

Main Google Cast SDK documentation can be found here.

1. Add NSBonjourServices to your Info.plist

Specify NSBonjourServices in your Info.plist file to allow local network discovery to succeed on iOS 14.

Add both _googlecast._tcp  and _B88B034A._googlecast._tcp  as services to allow proper device discovery as follow:


2. Add NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription to your Info.plist

We strongly recommend customizing the message shown in the “Local Network” prompt to explain why your app needs access to the users’ local network.

Add in your Info.plist file an app-specific permission string for NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription explaining that your app needs access to the users’ local network to discover cast-enabled devices and other discovery services, like DIAL. Customize the message as you need.

<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} uses the local network to discover Cast-enabled devices on your WiFi

This prompt appears as part of the iOS Local Network Access dialog the first time users try to cast from your app.

3. Add Cast Button

In order for the cast feature to be operational, you need to add a Cast Button in the UI. You can use the default one provided by the Google Cast SDK.

let castButton = GCKUICastButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 24, height: 24))
castButton.tintColor = UIColor.gray
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: castButton)

Find more info about the Cast Button in Google Cast documentation.

4. Mini Controller and Expanded Controller (Optional)

Enrich the user experience using the UI controller options provided by default in the Google Cast SDK:

5. UI customization (Optional)

You can customize the Google Cast SDK provided UI as shown below:

// Get the shared instance of GCKUIStyle
let castStyle = GCKUIStyle.sharedInstance()
// Set the property of the desired cast Views
// Navigation bar buttons style
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.navigation.buttonTextColor = .black
// Tool bar style
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.toolbar.backgroundColor = .white
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.toolbar.buttonTextColor = .black
// Connection controller style
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.backgroundColor = .white
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.iconTintColor = .black
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.headingTextColor = .black
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.connectionController.bodyTextColor = .black
// Device chooser style
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.deviceChooser.backgroundColor = .white
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.deviceChooser.iconTintColor = .black
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.deviceChooser.headingTextColor = .black
castStyle.castViews.deviceControl.deviceChooser.captionTextColor = .black
// Refresh all currently visible views with the assigned styles

Find more information and examples on how to style the default UI in Google Cast documentation.

Best practices

Handling advertising set up

In order to benefit from accurate monetization, make sure to implement the following steps:

  1. Create a dedicated Player config for your iOS app from your Dailymotion Studio or via the Platform API, and use the generated Player ID in the Player initialization method.
  2. Publishers in GDPR countries are required to implement a TCF2-registered CMP in their native app to ensure monetization. Collect consent from CMP before loading the Player.
  3. Implementing DMPlayerDelegate is mandatory, see here.
  4. Implement the necessary methods to ensure your application can manage the Player in all contexts, see here.
  5. Pass in and update custom advertising values. To learn more please see here.

Player Logs

Dailymotion iOS SDK uses os_log to log informations.

Logging levels:

  • off
  • debug
  • info
  • error
  • all

The default values of the logging level is [.info, .error]

In order to customise the level of details logs should return, use the createPlayer method and pass in the logLevels parameter the desired value. The SDK will then handle logs as expected.

Dailymotion.createPlayer(playerId: "PlayerId", logLevels: [.all]) { playerView, error in

While integrating the SDK, we recommend setting the level to .all in order to check that everything is working as expected

Preloading & Reusing the Player

Preload Player

In your application, you can preload the Player before the user attempts to play a video. To preload the Player, create a Player as shown here and store the returned DMPlayerView object.

When ready to show the Player, attach the DMPlayerView to the desired view hierarchy and call the load​Content() or play() method depending if you already passed a video ID or a playlist ID when creating the Player.

Reuse Player

When using the Player in your app, you can (and should) reuse the same Player instance. Therefore, a single-player instance can load multiple videos by using the load​Content() method.

Destroy/Release the Player

The Player instance will be automatically destroyed and removed when the DMPlayerView object loses reference and the Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) counter is Zero.


CreatePlayer errors and didFail delegate errors from DMPlayerDelegate can throw the following list of errors :

PlayerError.underlyingRemoteError(error: Error)Triggered by the embed Player and forwarded by the SDK.
Details about possible video access error is documented here.
PlayerError.advertisingModuleMissingTriggered by the SDK when the advertising module is missing. Please add it, otherwise the Player will not run
PlayerError.playerIdNotFoundTriggered by the SDK when the Player ID cannot be found
PlayerError.stateNotAvailableTriggered by the SDK when asking the Player for current state, but state is not available at that time
PlayerError.internetNotConnectedPlayer request failed since the internet seems offline – Retry the call
PlayerError.requestTimedOutPlayer request took longer than expected – Retry the call
PlayerError.otherPlayerRequestErrorOther Player request related error – Check the logs for more info
PlayerError.unexpectedTriggered when something went wrong and an unexpected error has occurred – Check the logs for more info – If it persists, contact support

PlayerError implements swift Error protocol and can be safely casted to NSError if needed.

Example of handling errors:

func handlePlayerError(error: Error) {
    switch(error) {
    case PlayerError.advertisingModuleMissing :
    case PlayerError.stateNotAvailable :
    case PlayerError.underlyingRemoteError(error: let error):
      let error = error as NSError
      if let errDescription = error.userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey],
         let errCode = error.userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey],
         let recovery = error.userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] {
        print("Player Error : Description: \(errDescription), Code: \(errCode), Recovery : \(recovery) ")
      } else {
        print("Player Error : \(error)")
    case PlayerError.requestTimedOut:
    case PlayerError.unexpected:
    case PlayerError.internetNotConnected:
    case PlayerError.playerIdNotFound:
    case PlayerError.otherPlayerRequestError: