Embed a video followed by a playlist for more content
Keep your users engaged on your properties with your selected content: define the next content to be played with videos from a specific curated playlist.
Do you want to offer your users relevant content to play next? To customize this experience, simply embed a video and specify the playlist ID of the playlist you want to play next.
You can embed any video followed by any playlist.
Examples with our different integration methods
<!-- Please replace the Player ID and Playlist ID with your own -->
<script src="https://geo.dailymotion.com/player/x32sk.js" data-playlist="x5zhzj"></script>
<!-- If you need to play a specific video on top of the playlist, specify both the video and playlist IDs. The queue will be populated with videos from the playlist -->
<script src="https://geo.dailymotion.com/player/x32sk.js" data-playlist="x5zhzj" data-video="x7tgad0"></script>
<!-- Check out our developer portal to learn more about the Player Embed Script: https://developers.dailymotion.com/guides/getting-started-with-web-sdk/#player-embed-script -->
<!-- See a demo: https://codepen.io/team/dailymotion-developer/pen/bGgBPyp -->
// Please replace the Playlist ID with your own
.createPlayer('my-dailymotion-player-1', {
playlist: 'x5zhzj',
params: {
loop: true,
startTime: 15,
mute: true
.then((player) => console.log(player))
.catch((e) => console.error(e));
// If you need to play a specific video on top of the playlist, specify both the video and playlist IDs. The queue will be populated with videos from the playlist
.createPlayer('my-dailymotion-player-2', {
video: 'x730nnd',
playlist: 'x5zhzj',
params: {
loop: true,
startTime: 15,
mute: true
.then((player) => console.log(player))
.catch((e) => console.error(e));
// Check out our developer portal to learn more about the Player Library Script: https://developers.dailymotion.com/guides/getting-started-with-web-sdk/#player-library-script
// See a demo: https://codepen.io/team/dailymotion-developer/pen/XWadRKQ
<!-- Please replace the Player ID and Playlist ID with your own -->
<iframe frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" src="https://geo.dailymotion.com/player/x32sk.html?playlist=x5zhzj" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>
<!-- If you need to play a specific video on top of the playlist, specify both the video and playlist IDs. The queue will be populated with videos from the playlist -->
<iframe frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" src="https://geo.dailymotion.com/player/x32sk.html?video=x84sh87&playlist=x5zhzj" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>
<!-- Check out our developer portal to learn more about the iFrame: https://developers.dailymotion.com/guides/getting-started-with-web-sdk/#player-iframe-embed -->
<!-- See a demo: https://codepen.io/team/dailymotion-developer/pen/xxJNpzG -->
<!-- Please replace the Video ID and Playlist ID with your own -->
<!-- More info about AMP components: https://developers.dailymotion.com/guides/embed-with-amp -->