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Optimize monetization with the referrer policy

What is the referrer policy?

Adjusting the referrer policy enables you to share with advertising entities the full URL of the page where the Player is embedded: this helps them better understand the context of the page where the Player is in order to improve ad targeting, which may result in higher ad revenue.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to adjust your referrer policy in order to share your Player’s full embedder page URL. This will be defined in the Player configuration using the parameter enable_receive_url_location and carried over via the Player ID.

If you prefer using a user-friendly interface, the referrer policy can also be easily defined from the Dailymotion Studio.

In Create & Manage Players, see section Advertising > Forward full URL

Define your Player’s referrer policy

Authentication & scope:


To create or modify a Player via the API, make sure you’re authenticated with the manage_players scope. Please refer to the authentication guides to see how to authenticate with specific scopes.

You can define the referrer policy of a new or existing Player using the parameter enable_receive_url_location:

If set to true: the Player will share with ad entities the full embedder page URL.
This is equivalent to the referrer policy no-referrer-when-downgrade.


Make sure no sensitive information such as personal identifiers or authentication tokens are included in URLs as these will be shared.

If set to false: the default browser’s referrer policy applies – usually strict-origin-when-cross-origin.
The Player will only share with ad entities the top level URL of the page where it is embedded.
Ex: Player will share even if it is embedded on

Create new Player
Edit existing Player
// Replace <YOUR_CHANNEL_ID> with your own Channel ID

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
       -d 'label=Player with Forward full URL enabled' \
       -d 'enable_receive_url_location=true' \
// Replace <YOUR_PLAYER_ID> with the Player ID you want to modify

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
       -d 'enable_receive_url_location=true' \

Embed Player

As a response to your call, you’ll receive a Player ID (the unique identifier of your Player) that carries your custom Player configuration with, in this case, the parameter enable_receive_url_location=true

    "id": "xpwm6",

You can now embed the Player by adding your Player ID and video ID (see how to retrieve video IDs) to your preferred embed method.

See below an example with each of our embed methods. If you don’t know which one to use yet, check the guide to embed on web.

Player Embed Script

// In this example, the Player ID is xpwm6 and the video ID is x84sh87
// Make sure to replace them with your own IDs

<script src="" data-video="x84sh87"></script>

Learn more about the Player Embed Script

Player Library Script

// In this example, the Player ID is xpwm6
// Make sure to replace it with your own Player ID

  <script src=""></script>

Learn more about the Player Library Script


Because of JavaScript restrictions, the referrer policy cannot be defined via the Player ID for iFrame embeds.

Instead, add the no-referrer-when-downgrade value to the referrerpolicy parameter in the Player embed code.

// In this example, the Player ID is xpwm6 and the video ID is x84sh87
// Make sure to replace them with your own IDs

<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

Learn more about iFrame embeds