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Create and schedule a live event

Streaming live events is a plan feature:

Please reach out to your Dailymotion Account Manager or our Support Team to subscribe and set up the feature on your account


On Dailymotion, a video is considered as a live stream when its mode is set to live.

For all operations regarding live streaming (and in general, video) management, you need to request an access token with the manage_videos scope. Check out the authentication guide for details on how you can request an access token with this scope from your user during the authentication step.

The following steps will get you started with streaming live content.

Implementation steps

1. Create a live stream

Since a live stream is based on a video, you can either create a new video with mode set to live, or use an existing one.

To create a new video, make a POST HTTP request on containing at least the following four mandatory parameters:

curl --request POST \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     --form 'mode=live' \
     --form 'published=true' \
     --form 'channel=<CHANNEL>' \
     --form 'is_created_for_kids=false'\

Note that you can fill in the title, description and any other field just as you would do for any kind of video.

Otherwise, you can use an existing video as a placeholder and transform this video into a live stream by setting the mode field to live.

curl --request POST \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     --form 'mode=live' \

2. Schedule your live event

Schedule your live event by using either the start_time and end_time fields, or start_time combined with duration.

You can also plan to stream your live event on a regular basis by using the recurrence field. Note that a recurrence can only be applied if the live stream has both a start date and a duration. Note: applying a recurrence can be performed together with start and end times in a single HTTP request.

curl --request POST \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     --form 'start_time=${START_TIME}' \
     --form 'end_time=${END_TIME}' \

3. Start streaming

Everything is now ready, you can start streaming your content to our servers. Perform a GET HTTP request on your video asking for the live_publish_url field to retrieve the RTMP URL to feed your encoder.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     --form 'fields=live_publish_url' \

This field returns an RTMP url containing both stream url and stream key divided as below:

RTMP URL examplertmp://
Stream URL partrtmp://
Stream Key partx1a2b3c?auth=x1cg_588354a7718b9bc1eccfbf9ce62a675714149291

Useful fields and filters to manage live streams

The following list details some fields and filters of the video object that you may want to use when broadcasting your event and managing your live stream. For more information about those fields, filters and others, please check the API Reference or click on any of these fields.

