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Record your live event

Streaming live events is a plan feature:

Please reach out to your Dailymotion Account Manager or our Support Team to subscribe and set up the feature on your account


Dailymotion enables you to record a live stream and create a video out of it. The recorded video will be available at the end of the live event as a VoD on Dailymotion.

You can set up a manual record (start/stop record) or activate an auto-record option. The recorded video inherits metadata from the live event it is recorded from.

Start/Stop a manual recording

To set up or stop a manual recording, you have to use the record_status field on the video object. Make a POST HTTP request on<LIVE_VIDEO_ID> using record_status=started or record_status=stopped depending on if you want to start or stop recording this live event.

curl --request POST  \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     --form 'record_status=started' \

This call returns:

     "id": <LIVE_VIDEO_ID>,
     "record_status": "starting"

Activate the auto-record feature

If you want your live event to be automatically recorded, you can set the live_auto_record field to true. Make a POST HTTP request on<LIVE_VIDEO_ID> setting live_auto_record=true (or to false if you want to unset the auto-recording feature).

curl --request POST \
     --header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     --form 'live_auto_record=true' \

This call returns:

     "id": <LIVE_VIDEO_ID>,
     "live_auto_record": "true"

Useful fields to manage live recordings

To retrieve the list of videos recorded from a live event with ID <LIVE_VIDEO_ID>, make a GET HTTP request on<LIVE_VIDEO_ID>/recordings

Here is a list of fields that you may want to use to know more about your recorded videos: